Chapter 783 Her Dream

Murong Xue seemed to have had a dream, in the dream, she returned to the beginning before she was ten years old.

At that time, she liked her grandpa with white hair teaching her Kung Fu the most.

Practicing martial arts is very hard, but she is not afraid.

At the beginning, it wasn't because she liked it, it was just that she felt that such a grandpa was like the fairy in the story.

So much so that later, she never dared to sit on Grandpa's lap and pull his white beard, she thought that would be a blasphemy to the gods.

For her, it was the best time in her life.

So those days often appear in dreams.

But it was only for a moment, if this dream continued, it would be that catastrophic explosion.

Everyone is dead, only she is still alive.

But what is the difference between living like that and being dead?
Her dream continued, as if she was acting in a person's memoir, advancing her life little by little.

Next was the officer, she saw the officer, and followed him into the compound of the National Security Bureau.

At first she refused, but the officer didn't know what method he used to reassemble all the corpses of her family that had been blown away, and gave the Murong family an extremely grand funeral.

She cried a lot at the funeral, and then, as if she had grown up by dozens of years, she no longer had the innocent smile of a child.

So, she was held by the officer's hand and led into the compound of the National Security Bureau.

So, since then, she has embarked on a completely different path from the past.

Finally, she dreamed of the last mission.

She and a few companions found explosives on the plane, and everyone chose to skydive, but one parachute happened to be missing.

She said to everyone: You jump quickly and leave me alone.

Not long after that, the plane blew up.

(End of this chapter)

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