Chapter 784 She's Awake

There was no pain in that death, until she woke up again, even thinking that she had just slept.

This dream is very long, and it is so long that she can re-interpret the first meeting between her and Dongfang Ling.

He took her in and settled the case of the prince for her.

He asked her to kill, and she went to the Tai's womb to put back the fake dragon robe for him.

She was kneeling in the snow, he pulled her up, and Biqing swept away the snow on her knees.

That was the first time someone treated her so well, and she remembered all of this.

Also, she was interrogating the prisoner in the dark room, but he said to her after seeing the prisoner's misery: In the future, you should be less likely to do such things.

Dongfang Ling's heart softened at that moment, and he was also moved.

And Tang Chu, she dreamed of his smile, dreamed of his kindness, dreamed that he held her hand and kept calling: Xuexue!snow snow!

In a daze, she woke up all at once.

What I heard again was that someone was constantly shouting beside her:

"I don't care what method you use, or how rare medicinal materials you use, in short, I want her to live! Did you hear me! My king only wants her to live!"

This was Dongfang Ling's voice. In his memory, Dongfang Ling had never been so eager.

He is calm, so calm that many people say that just looking at him from a distance will make him tremble.

But she has never been afraid of him, and even when she is frustrated or down, the first thing she thinks of is him.

Dongfang Ling was like a force to her, with him by her side, she would not be afraid of anything.

Before he could open his eyes, the person lying on the bed raised his arms and looked for the direction where the voice came from.

As soon as she stretched out her hand, Dongfang Ling's voice suddenly stopped.

It seemed that she didn't expect that she would wake up by herself in such a situation that the medical officers couldn't help.

Just as he was yelling half of the words, he paused in his throat, and then held the little hand that was stretched out. For a moment, he didn't know how to speak again.

Dear ones, Chinese New Year is almost here, how are you all?Nini has been very busy recently, helping her parents with New Year's shopping, cleaning up the house, and receiving guests from various parties.There will definitely be fewer updates during the Spring Festival, but Nini tries to update a little bit every day, please forgive me!Don't be angry with Nini!

(End of this chapter)

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