Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 785 Is what she wants really conquest?

Chapter 785 Is what she wants really conquest?

What did he do?

For a moment, Dongfang Lingzhen wanted to ask himself, what exactly did he do?
This woman is so beautiful, but he has brought her into the fighting field again and again, and put her in danger time and time again.

He said that he would conquer her, but now, he really hesitated.

Conquest, what she wants, is it really conquest?

I sighed slightly in my heart, but I also understood that now is not the time to think about the love of these children.

She hadn't woken up before, and the medical officers were helpless.

He knew that she suffered from serious internal injuries, but he didn't know how to rescue her.

Internal injuries require Jing Yang, now that she has woken up, what he can do is to let her rest as much as possible.

But... a thing that used to be ordinary, now it seems difficult.

I can no longer safely send her back to the capital, but there is no way to avoid the next battle if I follow myself.

Dongfang Ling has never been so helpless like now, he always wants the best for Murong Xue, he thought that if she is willing to enjoy the blessings, he will lay down a piece of land for her to have fun.

If she is willing to stay at the top of the government, he doesn't mind being an idle emperor and handing over the whole country to her.

He even thought that if she didn't want power or status, she just wanted to retreat to the countryside to live a comfortable life.Then he will accompany her to wander the countryside, regardless of who will sit on the throne.

Over the years, he had changed his mind little by little in getting along with her.

Murong Xue is like a woman with immortal powers, she is as cold as him, and as indomitable as him.

But he kept it, read it, loved it, and couldn't let it go anymore.

In my impression, this is the second time Murong Xue has been injured so far.

The first time she was invaded by the aphrodisiac in Prince Shuo's Mansion, but she went to rescue Shuang'er and came back without knowing it.

(End of this chapter)

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