Chapter 859 Damn Fate

The small yard became quiet for a while, and even Zhan Fang subconsciously relaxed his breathing.

Murong Xue just leaned on the chaise longue, dazedly, as if she had returned to the first day she came to this world.

That day, the first person she met was Yin Yi.

At that time, Yin Yi was about fourteen or fifteen years old, dressed in green clothes, her appearance was delicate, but she was resolute.

It cannot be denied that Yin Yi is very good-looking and very imposing. With just one look, one can tell that she must be a person who will achieve great things in the future.

No matter how cunning her eyes were, she would never see or imagine that the great things he would accomplish in the future would look like this.

Raising her hand lightly to stroke her forehead, Murong Xue suddenly wanted to laugh out loud.

But she couldn't, her fragile internal organs didn't allow her to make such large movements.

But I really want to laugh, laugh at this ridiculous fate, laugh at this teasing, damned fate.

She had known hermit's thoughts several years earlier, and she also knew that it was impossible for her to fulfill it.

But I still thought that I can't be a lover, but I can still be a friend.

She did not expect the situation to develop to the present situation, but after thinking about it, it was also reasonable.

Although scorpions in the 21st century don't know the royal family, they don't know the helplessness of emperors and generals.

But think about it, it is the same as the governing bodies of the two countries.

It's just that in the 21st century, something called human rights will be maintained on the surface, and there will be an institution called the United Nations to maintain and mediate minor disputes between countries.

Even if it is necessary to use force, it can be controlled within the smallest range and completed in the shortest time.

It was different in ancient times. In ancient times, everyone was in charge of their own affairs, and the emperor alone had the final say.

If he wanted to fight, the opponent had no choice but to fight.

Therefore, when a seed of a powerful country is planted in hermit's heart, it will inevitably take root and germinate.

(End of this chapter)

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