Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 860 Master!There are 2 messages!

Chapter 860 Master!There are two messages!

And she just played a catalytic role, which can be regarded as speeding up the growth of this seed.

Suddenly I want to remember...

This afternoon, Murong Xue's thoughts shifted from the first snowy night to this moment, and finally stopped, she realized that the reason why she was so confused was that she was too uncertain about this still unfamiliar world.

The world is peaceful, there is no Dongsheng, so what is the meaning of her existence?
happy life?
Can this be done?
For so many years, she has always been afraid that one day when she really let go of everything to enjoy life, she would suddenly open her eyes and lie back in the small home assigned to her by the National Security Bureau.

Many years ago, I wished more than once that I could return to the world I was familiar with when I woke up.

However, by now, she was afraid of leaving here again.

When she had relatives, a lover, and friends, she loved this ancient land so much.

"Master!" Finally someone stood beside her and interrupted her wild thoughts.

She didn't even need to open her eyes to hear that voice was Zhan Fang.

So he opened his mouth lightly and said:

"what happened?"

Exhibition answer:
"Another brother is back!"

"Oh!" She replied lightly, "Call me! I'll come and listen, and there's something new."

After saying this, he heard footsteps approaching, and then a person leaned over, and then spoke, saying:
"Master! There are two pieces of news. One is that the crown prince of Dashun asked the emperor for half of Dongsheng's land to the south in return. The emperor and the prince... oh no, he and His Royal Highness have already agreed. The other is, Prince Dashun has already left for the palace five days ago, our prince will be with us!"

The hidden guard said this with a little excitement, after all, Dongfang Ling was coming, no matter what it was for, it was exciting enough.

(End of this chapter)

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