Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 878 Singer and Shuang'er Have Met Before

Chapter 878 Singer and Shuang'er Have Met Before

She replied:

"Back then I called him Master, and he taught me piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I thought I met a nobleman. You are like a monster, more beautiful than a woman, but more ferocious than a beast. How dare I go with you! How can I go with you?" Walk!"

Shuang'er's tears fell like rain, her eyes were red from crying.

But still can't stop complaining——

"Jill is a perverted bastard, he ruined my life! Your subordinates ruined my life, do you know? Why didn't you kill such a perverted person? Your territory is The devil! Jill is! So are you!"

Shuang'er stood up while talking, stretched out her arms at the same time, pushed Singer forward violently, and shouted:
"Why don't you all go to hell! Go to hell!"

After finishing speaking, he ran away without looking back.

Tang Chu hurriedly ordered his servants to chase after him, but stopped Murong Xue who wanted to run forward——

"Why are you in a hurry? Don't even look at your body! Can you run!" Patted her on the shoulder again: "Don't worry, I won't be able to escape from the palace, I've got someone to follow me!"

Murong Xue ignored him and turned her head to Singer.

Singer was pushed to sit on the ground by Shuang'er and still didn't get up. When he saw Murong Xue looking at him, he still let out a long sigh, and said:
"Okay! I won't hide it from you! I came to the Central Plains more than two years ago and found Jill in the territory of Dashun. I asked him to go back with me and not to walk in the Central Plains for a long time. But he said that there are still things to be done, And promised me that I would return to the territory after I finished. Later, I found Shuang'er, and I knew that what Jill was going to do must be related to it. At that time, she called Jill a master, and she was very respectful. I put a truth gu on Jill , I know that he wants to vent his anger with Shuang'er."

Having said that, he stood up from the ground, looked at the three people in front of him, and said honestly——

(End of this chapter)

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