Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 879 Singer, do you regret it?

Chapter 879 Singer, do you regret it?

"I, Singer, can keep promises, but I'm really not a good person with a kind heart. Back then, I was able to ask Miss Shuang'er if she would like to go with me.

He smiled wryly,
"Speaking of which, if it weren't for her being so beautiful, I'm afraid I wouldn't even ask that question! Although my territory is not as large as Dashun and Yanchi, I can still be regarded as the overlord of a party. I am a king, and it is impossible for me to The minister's trivial matters are all covered. So when Miss Shuang'er said she didn't want to go with me, I didn't force her anymore."

Murong Xue knew that what he was telling was the truth, even though the hatred for the border people in her heart was still undiminished, she couldn't help lamenting Shuang'er's sad fate again.

"Obviously I extended a helping hand when she walked through the thorns, but she didn't grab it in time!" Singer shrugged, "I can't help it. One person, one life. Her own choice, I can't force it."

"Do you regret it?" She asked coldly, and suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips. "Singer, do you regret it?"

She asked directly, and her eyes did not allow people to avoid and lie.

As the king of the territory, Singer has always known that his spiritual power is very strong.

No one can match the control of the foreign art of the territory.

But when Murong Xue looked at him like this, Singer suddenly felt that if he really had to compete, he might not be able to win this woman.

Princess Luoxue, who had heard about Yanchi for a long time, was different from ordinary people. Not only was she beautiful like a fairy, but she also had weird martial arts.

He had never seen Kung Fu before, but Singer couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief with his courage and sharpness.

Murong Xue's eyes were ferocious like a beast, but also possessed a strong penetrating power.

So much so that even though he knew she was seriously injured and it was impossible to hurt someone, he still unconsciously took two steps back.

(End of this chapter)

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