Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 881 Take her away, heal her, protect her

Chapter 881 Take her away, heal her, protect her

"Singer!" She looked straight at him, "I exchange this precious promise for my sister's life's happiness, it's not a loss!"

The corners of her lips curled up into a smile, although she was full of misery, she was also full of hope.

Finally, Singer nodded solemnly, but seeing him raise his arms above his head, he said:
"I swear in the name of the territory, take her away, heal her, and protect her."


Many people are still worried about Murong Xue handing Shuang'er to Singer.

For example, the emperor and queen of Dashun.

The emperor had a thin skin and was too embarrassed to ask, so he encouraged the queen to ask her to see if it was reliable.

Although Shuang'er is only the adopted daughter of the queen, she is good-looking and well-behaved. She doesn't talk too much on weekdays and is very obedient.

In addition, Tang Chu took good care of her, so that the emperor and empress liked her very much.

Therefore, the queen really came here with [-]% sincerity and [-]% worry.

After some inquiries, he was finally completely relieved by Murong Xue's words.

Not only did he feel relieved, but he also urged this matter to be carried out quickly, and even made a fuss about sending many gifts to the border.

As for what Murong Xue said to her, it was actually very simple.

she says:

"Don't worry! Singer likes Shuang'er!"

She wasn't talking in empty words, yesterday when Singer and Shuang'er first met, her heart was moved.

The conversation and eyes of the two of them all revealed a message to her.

That is - Singer has taken a fancy to Shuang'er!

Of course, based on this alone, she still cannot hand over her sister with confidence.

So she let go of the promise that Singh made to her, and let him swear by a spell, which relieved her heart.

Tang Chu hosted a banquet in Wenlefang and entertained Singer for three days.

In these three days, Shuang'er didn't leave her room even a single step, not even when Murong Xue sent someone to call her out.

(End of this chapter)

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