Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 882 Sister, Do You Hate Me Very Much

Chapter 882 Sister, Do You Hate Me Very Much
She had no choice but to go to the palace where she lived.

The adopted daughter of Emperor Dashun and Princess Ningshuang, who was personally conferred by the imperial pen, has a very elegant garden called "Murong Residence".

It was named after her, and a garden full of lilies was planted.

I heard that Tang Chu personally arranged it for her. At first, Shuang'er didn't like the attractive lily, and wanted to replace it with orchids, but Tang Chu didn't do it.

In Tang Chu's words: You have to get used to the warm atmosphere, so as to make your mood clearer.

Shuang'er couldn't shake Tang Chu, so she followed him.

When Murong Xue came in, the servants in the yard were carrying ordinary fruits and wondered whether they should send them in or not.

Seeing her coming, the little girls immediately surrounded her as if they had caught a life-saving straw, and those who greeted her greeted her, and those who saluted her.

Murong Xue smiled, took the fruit plate by herself, then sent the servants away, and walked towards Shuang'er's room door by herself.

Just after knocking on the door twice, I heard a soft shout from inside——

"You told me I wouldn't eat anything, so why bother me!"

"Shuang'er!" She opened her mouth and called, "Dashun's fruits are beyond Yanchi's reach. If you don't want to eat them, sister still wants to try them!"

Hearing it was Murong Xue's voice, there was a moment of silence in the room.

Not long after, there were footsteps, and they gradually walked towards the door.

After waiting for too long, Shuang'er opened the door and saw Murong Xue standing at the door, the girl seemed to want to say something.

He moved his mouth, but still no sound came out.

Shuang'er turned and went back to the room, followed by Murong Xue and closed the door again.

When both of them entered the inner room, Shuang'er took the initiative to speak, but said with complaints:
"Sister! Do you hate me very much?"

"What are you talking about!" She put the fruit plate on the table and sat down on a chair. "My body is really bad. I've only walked so far, and I'm so tired."

(End of this chapter)

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