Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 883 Singer Will Not Harm You

Chapter 883 Singer Will Not Harm You
After all, they are still sisters, no matter how wronged and sad Shuang'er was, when she heard Murong Xue said that she was tired, she immediately moved a soft couch beside her, and then helped her to sit on it.

"Silly girl, why did you lock yourself in the room!" She stroked Shuang'er's hair, and the girl half-kneeled in front of her, looking up at her.

"Sister, do you hate me?" The old saying was repeated.

"How could it be?" She no longer avoided talking about the topic, and said bluntly: "You are my only blood relative. The world is so big, who can kiss you better. Why do you hate it?"

"Then why did you send me to the border? Sister, I'm afraid of that place, I'd rather die than go there!"

"Don't be silly!" She tapped her, "It's okay to die! Not only don't you want to die, I also want you to live well, that's why I asked Singer to take you away!"

Shuang'er wanted to speak, but was stopped by Murong Xue, and then continued:
"Believe me, it's different this time. Territory is superb. Since Singer promised me that he can heal you, he will definitely be able to! Not only can he heal you, but he will also protect you! What you can enjoy when you go to Territory this time The courtesies will definitely not be worse than those in Dashun Palace."

What she said made Shuang'er a little stunned, as if she didn't understand why Murong Xue was so sure.

She really wants to believe her, and really wants to make herself healthy.

Although there is no need to worry about food and clothing now, God knows that the medicine she takes every day is hardly less than food.

She is not yet 14 years old, but this body has already aged prematurely.

Knowing that Shuang'er was moved, Murong Xue said again:
"Singer won't hurt you, he's not the same as Jill!"

Shuang'er was stunned again, and then, as if she was still remembering, she fell into deep thought and didn't say a word for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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