Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 884 Heroes Save America

Chapter 884 Heroes Save America
"Singer..." After a long while, a voice finally came out, but it was so low, filled with endless remorse and regret. "Sister, if I knew today would come, I would have gone with him back then!"

She knew that Shuang'er was talking about the time when she met Singer that year. If she had followed Xin away at that time, maybe her life would have been different.

It is possible that the sisters will never see each other again, but Shuang'er can also avoid the miserable fate of those years.

Singer is not a good man, but he is not bad either.

As for a man, he is considered qualified.

This is Murong Xue's intuition, which has always been accurate.

"Okay!" Finally, Shuang'er nodded. "I'll go! Sis, I believe in you! But if one day I want to come back, you can't let me go, you can't deny me, and you can't accept me."

The girl begged her older sister stubbornly, Murong Xue nodded repeatedly, and pressed her heart to assure her——

"My sister promises you, and also promises you on behalf of Dongfang Ling and Tang Chu! Not only is Yanchi your home, but Dashun is also. You are Princess Ningshuang of Dashun, and your status is different today. The empress has already said, On the day when I send you to the border, I will let you travel far away with the appearance of a princess! Let everyone know that Princess Ningshuang of Dashun is visiting the border, and no one will dare to touch you. milliseconds."


On the day Singer and Shuang'er left, the already bright sunshine in Dashun was even more brilliant.

As if knowing that this is the new life of Princess Ningshuang, even the sun and clouds are rejoicing for her.

Singer was originally sitting alone in the palace carriage, but when Shuang'er was about to go to her own car, she tripped over a stone for some reason, and with an exclamation, her whole body jumped up. The child fell forward.

Singer had quick eyes and quick hands, and he hugged the man by the waist with a side sweep.

(End of this chapter)

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