Chapter 103 My Little Life Almost Hurled 1
Chapter 85 My life almost died

I was stunned by the sudden change and stood there motionless. The wind pulled the electricity behind me and rolled me over. I just felt a chill on my back, as if a cold air invaded my body, and the blood in my whole body was frozen at once. As if frozen, unable to move, I thought that I must go to Hades to report this time.

But in the midst of this flash, the Fart King had already leaped in front of me, pulled his ape arm, and I staggered and fell, only to feel a sharp cold object brushing past my back, and in my panic, I only heard There was a sound of palm wind colliding with a sharp weapon above my head, and my arm was loosened by the fart king, but I lost my support and fell to the ground in panic.

I had just been in close contact with the earth, and before I could recover, someone picked me up on my waist. I flew to the side like weightless, but I didn’t get hurt at all. I rolled lightly onto the thick fleece. On the blanket, I reached out and grabbed the leg of the chair next to me to stabilize my figure.

Yi Gulu got up, and in the room full of mist, he saw two figures intertwined, one black and one white, one holding a sharp sword and the other bare-handed.

My first reaction was, there are assassins!

Ignoring the pain in my back, I raised my invincible voice and shouted like hell: "Someone is here, there are assassins! Come here, there are assassins!"

Phew, the two people in the entanglement glanced at me at the same time, the fog was too heavy to see their eyes, I just felt a pair of sword-like cold air coming directly, as if penetrating my body, I couldn't help hitting a shudder.

There seemed to be some noise outside, and I felt a little relieved.Then he focused on caring about the two people fighting in the room.

The situation was urgent just now, and the Fart King ignored his comfort and saved my life, otherwise I would have been pierced through the chest.

But I don't want to thank him.

I'm new to this ghostly place, so I don't think I have any enemies.The assassin was obviously coming towards him, I just stood at the door and took a sword for him, although I didn't get stabbed.

I don't know martial arts, but I saw the man in black moving from side to side, flying up and down with great agility, while the Fart King was obviously a bit stuck. After all, he was unarmed and had no clothes on. He only had a blanket wrapped around his waist. Kung fu must be greatly discounted.

But seeing that he has dealt with it for so long, he hasn't been injured, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

A burst of noisy footsteps rushed over, I knew that the imperial army had arrived, and I couldn't help but gain some confidence.

Just now the assassin wanted to kill the emperor, so he just killed him, but he put me on the back. This made me very upset, and I couldn't help raising my voice to cheer for the stinky fart king, "Your Majesty, come on! Your Majesty, come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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