Chapter 104 My Little Life Almost Hurled 2
Chapter 85 My life almost died

It is best for the king to see that I cheered for him, and kill the assassin in one go, so as to avenge me!
Hmph, as Confucius said, only villains and women can't be offended in this world!I can't forgive that assassin for being blind and trying to kill me.But Wang Shang didn't have a weapon in his hand, so it was difficult to kill him.

But it's okay to be angry with him, who told the assassin to be so arrogant and indiscriminate.

"Your Majesty, your subordinates are late in coming to save you, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

A man who looked like a guard led a group of people and rushed in, his face turned pale with fright when he saw the scene in the room.I knelt on the ground and begged for mercy instead of besieging the assassin first. I yelled angrily, "Why are you still kneeling? Hurry up and catch the assassin!"

"Oh, yes. Come on!" The guard was loyal and brave, but he was a little dull. He suddenly came over after I yelled, and waved the crowd to surround him.

Seeing that there were more and more people, the assassin guessed that the task would be difficult to complete, but he turned his head and saw my excited look, he couldn't help moving his body, and rushed towards me.

I thought it would be easy to do things with more people, but now the assassin must be unable to fly, and he will definitely be able to take revenge.But I didn't know that my eyes were dark, a big bird-like figure flew towards me angrily, a cold light flashed in front of my eyes, and a bright silver sword coldly and mercilessly stabbed at my throat.

"Ah—help!" In the crisis, I only remembered to call for help, and my body shook a few times and backed away.

"Keep someone under the sword, don't kill her!"

Butt King roared, but the assassin was determined to kill me, and the silver sword in his hand stabbed at me even faster. Seeing that it was too late to save people, King Fart yelled angrily, "If you kill him, I will destroy your nine clans!"

The assassin trembled when he heard the words, but his half-covered eyes shot out a ruthless light, as if he hated everyone in the world. With a sound of "ding", the silver sword was sent into my neck, but there was a sound. Crisp sound.

I just felt a numbness in my neck, as if a strong force had stuck my neck, I couldn't breathe, my whole body was knocked backwards, my chest was heaving, "wow", I spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell heavily on the ground.

But the man in black let out a "huh", attached himself, and put his hand into my neck. There was a flash of silver in a daze, it was the ring.

"Put her down!" A cold voice behind him yelled, and the man in black came up to me tremblingly. I was half-drowsy, but I heard him asking excitedly in my ear, "Why do you have this ring?"

I opened my mouth and wanted to answer, but felt uncomfortable in my chest and my neck was swollen, and I spit out another mouthful of blood with a "wow".The Fart King was furious and shouted: "Put her down, I will leave your whole body!"

"Hahaha..." The assassin smiled strangely, looked down at me, took a deep breath, and suddenly pushed me towards the king of stinky farts, but he used his strength to float backward and disappeared in an instant trace...
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Chapter 86 1 Sentence Killed 8 People

(End of this chapter)

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