Chapter 110 Why Am I Poisoned? 2
Chapter 88 How did I get poisoned?

I jumped up and fell down on the bed again, gasping for breath and repeating in a trembling voice: "Bu... Duanchang San?"

Mom, I have only heard of Broken Heart Grass, but never Broken Heart Powder!But thinking about it, the effect should be the same, it's all about breaking my liver and intestines...

Cold sweat broke out on my forehead, the young master in black rolled me up, jumped onto the bed and sat behind me, with his palms resting on my back, a warm current penetrated my body in an instant, and slowly dispersed into my limbs, Like waves of heat, wherever it passes through my body, I feel my blood is excited, flowing much faster, and gradually approaching boiling. My whole body is sweating like rain, and my body seems to be burned. Like an opened balloon, it is filled with boiling water, which is unbearably hot.

If this goes on, I'm going to explode!

God!I didn't offend him, right? He deliberately tempted me with a piece of chocolate and poisoned me. Now he is using this kind of torture to torture me. It would be better to kill me with one knife!
"Ugh——" There was a cramping pain in my abdomen, and I couldn't help but scream out, my heart throbbed, and I suddenly felt nauseous, and my neck kept spitting out a mouthful of black blood.

In an instant, all the feelings disappeared at the same time, and I collapsed on the bed with all my strength, half-opening my eyes weakly.

"Okay!" The young master in black covered me with the quilt, stood beside the bed and asked in a deep voice: "What did you eat just now? This Broken Heart Powder is very fast, and it will take effect within half an hour. You Think carefully, what have you eaten in half an hour..."

I replied weakly: "I didn't eat anything, I just ate a piece of chocolate you gave me..." In my heart, I admired him very much, and he pretended to ask me to eat it even though I had poisoned him. what ever...

"Chocolate? Are you talking about the Snowy Pill? It is a skin-care medicine specially developed for women. It has the effect of relieving pain. It is made from dried flowers, ground into powder, and then mixed with snow water from Tianshan Mountains. So it is cool in nature and taste, it is like snow water passing through the pulse, but it is absolutely non-toxic. Generally, women often take it when they have menstrual cramps, it can relieve pain and fatigue, and it can protect the face when taken on a daily basis.”

"So good?" Can it also relieve pain during menstruation?Well, with a thought in my mind, I calmed down and said, "Then do you still have any? I want to ask for a few more..."

Without any hesitation, the young master in black reached into his arms and took out a purple-black bottle, "This medicine should not be exposed to light, and should be kept in a cool place."

"Oh." I reached out to take it, but the young master in black said, "You said you didn't eat anything, but you were indeed poisoned, and the poison was administered within half an hour. You have to be careful, It is best to take this test when eating in the future, whether it is a decoction or a fruit point, it can be detected. If the silver hairpin turns black, it means that it contains a huge poison." After speaking, he reached into his bosom and took out a silver hairpin , one end is a jade ring bag, and the other end can be directly inserted into the bun.

Soup and fruit?My thoughts flashed, and suddenly I remembered something with an "oops", and seeing the young master in black turned his head to me, he smiled "hehe", "Oh, it's nothing. You go, I will be finished when someone comes !"

"Well, I'm leaving. I'll come to you if I need something..."

"No! Don't come to me if you have something to do, and don't come to me if you have nothing to do..."
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Chapter 89 My God!Who gets into whose bed?

(End of this chapter)

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