Chapter 111 God!Who gets into whose bed? 1
Chapter 89 My God!Who gets into whose bed?

"No! Don't come to me if you have something to do, and don't come to me if you have nothing to do..."

Uh, I haven't finished talking yet, the bed is empty, where is his shadow?God, just disappeared?Could it be a ghost?If it wasn't for ghosts, then his martial arts would be too powerful!

Look at the things in his hands, the snow-colored bottle is for wiping the neck, the purple bottle is Xueyan Pill, and there is a jade hairpin.Originally, when I asked him for the Xueyan Pill just now, I wanted to find a chance to test whether it was poisonous, but now it seems that I don't need it.It's really too easy for him to kill me, there's really no need to cause so much trouble!

Besides, I can see that he really has good intentions, he didn't hesitate at all when he offered it to me, and I have no use value, so he probably didn't come to harm me.But what I also can't understand is why he treats me so well?It doesn't make sense either...

As for the person who poisoned me, I already know it well.Didn't a girl bring me medicine just now?I only took a sip... and the young master in black said that I was not deeply poisoned, which obviously fits perfectly with these circumstances.After realizing this, my heart became even colder. Who is it that actually wants to kill me?

Thinking about the people in the palace, I don't seem to know much, do I?It is wronged!But don't worry, I will always find out, and I, Ye Feifei, will never be soft when I know the murderer behind the scenes.

"Hey hey" laughed twice, put medicine on himself, lay back on the bed and thought about things in his mind, and didn't know when he fell asleep...

In a daze, there was a quarrel in my ears, and I turned over sleepily, hey, there seemed to be something under my arms and legs, it seemed to be a quilt, no matter what, I continued to sleep.

But the quarrel kept coming, and it was getting closer. I thought it was my roommate Xiao Min who was yelling about something early in the morning. I was very dissatisfied. Is that tantamount to murder?"

After all, he continued to sleep soundly while hugging the "quilt".I didn't want the quarrel to come in directly this time, causing me so much pain that I had to open my eyes.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is still resting, you can't go in..."

"Presumptuous! I am the king's concubine, why can't I come in? The king used to invite me to sleep with me. You are blind, don't you recognize me? Be careful, I will tell the king to kill you! "

"But ma'am, you really can't go in now..."

"Go away!...My lord, my lord...ahhhhhhh!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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