Chapter 112 God!Who gets into whose bed? 2
Chapter 89 My God!Who gets into whose bed?

God!Really going to murder!
At least 150 decibels of screaming lasted for 30 seconds before I recovered from the shock.Oh, this is ancient times, I almost forgot, I thought it was a 21st century school.I saw my eldest sister Ye Qianqian standing there with a shocked expression on her face, her eyes wide open, as if she had seen a ghost.

I covered my mouth and yawned, the "quilt" under me suddenly moved and sat up, I was frightened and held back the half-yawned yawn.

"Ah——" At this moment, only screaming can express the shock in my heart! " are you in my bed?"

Hey, Ye Qianqian and the eunuch Fuhai in front of the bed held their breaths at the same time, but the King of Farts, who I used as a quilt, smiled contemptuously and said: "This seems to be my bed." After saying that, he raised his eyebrows for the first time , There was a slight smile on his lips, an incomparably evil smile.

Well, indeed, it seemed to be his bed!
I jumped up like a rabbit, but fortunately all my clothes were there, and they were quite neat.Standing on the side of the bed angrily, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he couldn't help turning around and cursing: "Huh! Despicable and shameless, a majestic monarch, to use such a trick!"

"What did you say? Get out!"

How long ago has the King of Farts been scolded like this, and he couldn't help being furious, and stared at me with a cold expression, I was wronged in my heart, and suddenly remembered that he is an emperor after all, so insulting him in front of everyone, I'm afraid I'm going to offend my upper body .Being scolded by him to get out, I just wish I could go away and never come back, so I'm really relieved.

The eunuchs Fu Hai and Ye Qianqian were stunned!In their eyes, the king has always been indifferent to emotions, but at this time he was furious at me. In their eyes, it was a precedent, and they were all surprised from ear to ear.

How did I know this, when he scolded me to get out, of course I turned around and left without saying a word.

Unexpectedly, when I turned around, I accidentally pulled the quilt on the bed, and was affected by my actions, and it slid down to the ground with a whimper.Ye Qianqian was originally looking at all this in a daze, but suddenly saw a touch of red on the bed, gasped and screamed again, "Ah—"

I was shocked and covered my ears in horror.

Ye Qianqian turned to look at me, with unbelievable and almost inaudible hatred in her eyes.

"Shut up!" The Fart King yelled coldly, Ye Qianqian shut up obediently, but the facial muscles twitched, completely destroying her usual beautiful image. "What are you doing here?" The Fart King ignored my standing still, and asked Ye Qianqian coldly.

I was really happy in my heart, but I pretended to be wronged on the face. This fart king loves face. If I let him know that I really want to leave him so much, I'm afraid he will change his mind.Immediately took a step, pretending to be heavy, and walked slowly towards the gate of the palace.

However, Ye Qianqian's voice from behind him replied in a turbulent voice: "I miss the king, so I came here to see..."
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Chapter 90 Sorry, get lost!
(End of this chapter)

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