The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 120 Extreme Joy Begets Sadness, Enemy's Road is Narrow 1

Chapter 120 Extreme Joy Begets Sadness, Enemy's Road is Narrow 1
Chapter 94 Extreme Joy Begets Sadness, Enemy's Road is Narrow

I was full of soup and food, so the little villain dragged me to the king's bedroom.The eunuch Xiao Wuzi led the way, followed by a few young maids.

Xiaobaihuai thought they were walking too slowly, so he drove them back, leaving only Xiao Wuzi.

I walked sideways on Xiao Huai's right, joking with her all the way.With my perfect tongue, coupled with my clever and quick thinking, I naturally made the little villain "giggle" coquettishly.

Although Xiaobaihuai is a princess, she rarely has the feminine demeanor of a woman, but rather the straightforwardness and frankness of some men.

Laughing all the way, although the little girl's delicate and crisp voice cannot be escaped, the laughter is refreshing, bold and unscrupulous, just because of the young age, the voice is relatively thin and crisp.

I accompanied me around, frothing all over the place, constantly telling new and weird stories, and I heard that the little villain even regarded me as a treasure. In a pair of charming red phoenix eyes, surprise and joy were unabashedly revealed.

And I was a little carried away, talking and talking, I had already forgotten that she was an ancient princess, and I was already her servant, and there was an insurmountable boundary between us.

Before I knew it, I had already treated her as my best friend and audience. My speech was wonderful and I danced and danced, while Xiao Huai listened attentively and relished it.From time to time, I asked a few key questions, which aroused my passion to speak more and more.

Even Xiao Wuzi, the eunuch at the side, had the blessing of listening in, and his ears were pricked up early.

It’s easy to get carried away when I’m proud. I showed off my eloquence vigorously, and adapted the messy passages of The Legend of the White Snake and Journey to the West. Go to the bad front, back up and talk to her.

". As a result, Tang Seng didn't listen to the monkey, and was fooled by the tricks played by the bone spirit. He recited the mantra 100 times, smashed the monkey's head, and drove the monkey away. He really doesn't know good people. ah!"

The little villain was filled with righteous indignation when he heard this, he slapped his palms together, and shouted loudly: "It's so disgusting! He deserves to be eaten!"

I echoed and said: "Yes, there are some people in this world who are so stupid that they are self-righteous. The ridiculous thing is that they can't even tell right from wrong and black from black, but they still like to point fingers at others and make unreasonable comments and random accusations. Stupid as a pig."

"That's right, stupid as a pig! Haha..."


"...Ouch, Feifei, be careful..."

Happy holidays folks!

Feifei has just arrived home, and hastily coded a few words. Dear friends, take your time, Feifei continues to code.
(End of this chapter)

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