The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 121 Extreme Joy Begets Sadness, Enemy's Road is Narrow 2

Chapter 121 Extreme Joy Begets Sadness, Enemy's Road is Narrow 2
Chapter 94 Extreme Joy Begets Sadness, Enemy's Road is Narrow

Just when I was leaning forward and backward laughing at each other, because I was so overwhelmed with laughter, I lost my balance by laughing so much that my body even took a few big steps back. When I raised my eyes in panic, I suddenly saw Xiaobai My bad face suddenly changed, and I spoke carefully. When I wanted to look back, it was too late. I just felt that I stepped on something, and a person behind me screamed "ah", and I wanted to twitch my foot immediately. The more he thought about it, the more he lost his balance in a panic, and even took another step back, firmly stomping on that person again.

"Ouch... ah!——It hurts to death..."

There was a lot of screams behind me, with a high-pitched sound, Xiao Huaihua took a few steps forward and grabbed my body that was about to lean back again, and I took a few steps forward to regain my stability.

But I heard the sound of a person falling to the ground behind me, followed by many footsteps chasing and screaming, "Ah, the imperial concubine...the imperial concubine...", "Hurry up, the imperial concubine has fallen..."

In the chaos, I thought to myself, can't be so unlucky?Turning her head cautiously, she saw the earth-shattering scene in front of her.

At this moment, the beautiful and charming Concubine Su Gui was sitting on the ground with her legs hugged and wailing. The maids who came after hearing the news, all crowded together, scrambling to help Concubine Su, all of them panicked. , the sound trembled again and again, as if the sky had fallen.Some people came from behind and continued to join the ranks of exclaiming, but because of the crowd, they became a mess. Everyone was at a loss, and they didn't help her up for a long time. The scene was in a panic, making the situation chaotic extreme.

I watched all this dumbfounded, but my heart trembled.Oops, this moment of extreme joy turns into sorrow, and I actually stepped on the foot of the noble concubine so desperately, look at the earth-shattering behavior of these servants, how can the noble concubine forgive me?Besides, I have already married her. Last time I was listening to Xiangyuan, she already disdained me very much. Later, she showed off her quick tongue in front of the queen mother, and finally made her half dead. To her feet, oh my god, my little life is in danger...

Turning her head to look at Bad Bad, but she had a face full of fearlessness, even a bit of contempt.It seems that he is used to all this, and he can't understand the pretentiousness of those slaves.But he didn't make a sound, just tilted his head to give me a hint, telling me not to be afraid.That's all, he looked at everything in front of him coldly, as if he was watching a play.

On the other hand, Xiao Wuzi had a shocked and horrified face, rubbing his hands together in anxiety, but at such a young age, there were already a few wrinkles on his forehead, obviously the result of long-term fear.

(End of this chapter)

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