Chapter 126 Empress Murong Xueyan 2
Chapter 96 Empress Murong Xueyan

As we walked and chatted, we had arrived in front of a palace unknowingly, and when we looked up, there were a few gold-plated characters flying: Qifeng Palace.

Xiao Huai bad slapped his forehead and shouted: "Oh, you actually came here. This is Sister Yan's bedroom. I come here often. I told you about her just now, and she came here. Anyway, I have already arrived. I'll show you around."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for my reply, he pulled me up and rushed in.

I shook my head helplessly and smiled, this little villain is so innocent, he will do whatever he thinks of.At the moment, he gently broke away from her hand, and followed her closely.Little Wu Zi had already sneaked in cleverly to report.

Originally, what I saw just now was the palace gate with red walls and golden walls. I thought it was a palace with a high pavilion, but I didn’t know that I entered a relatively spacious courtyard, which was full of flowers and plants. It was early summer, and the garden was full of fragrance. It overflows and is very pleasant.A few steps forward is an artificial lake, the lake is green and rippling, the water is rippling, the fragrance of the garden is full, and there is a fresh feeling of clear water and flowers. It is surrounded by exquisitely carved eaves and corridors. , and the winding curved water arch bridge, it is really a fairyland on earth.

I was so stunned that I couldn't help but slow down and appreciate the surrounding scenery carefully.

Xiaobaiba hopped on his feet, ran to the front, and started yelling from a long distance, "Sister Yan, Sister Yan, look at you coming!" The queen is about to come, but it's unbelievable that I drag behind.

But I heard a voice as gentle as water coming over, "Look at you, you still don't look like a princess, you're joking around when you walk around, making people laugh." The bright woman in palace attire was doting on Xiao Huai, pulled out the silk that was pinned to her waist, and carefully wiped the sweat from her forehead for Xiao Huai.

Wow, she is really beautiful!
I didn't pay much attention to Xiangyuan last time, and it was a little far away, so I didn't see it clearly.Now that she was close in front of her eyes, she realized that she was such a smart woman.Her brilliance is not created by heavy makeup, but the bright beauty that comes naturally from the skin!It really is a "snowy face", really skin bullying Sai Xue, standing in the sun, and faintly revealing a touch of pink, picturesque eyebrows, a lavender palace attire, light makeup and red face, almost blending with the spring scenery of the garden In a cluster.

"See the princess." The maids behind the queen all saluted the little villain, and I just woke up and knelt down, "My servant sees the empress, may the empress live a thousand years and a thousand years!"

(End of this chapter)

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