Chapter 127 Empress Murong Xueyan 3
Chapter 96 Empress Murong Xueyan

"Thousands and thousands of years? Feifei, where did you hear that? But it's fun!" The little villain rushed in front of the queen and asked with a smile. I was taken aback, what's the matter?Isn't that what it says here?Oops, I haven't learned court etiquette here, so I don't know how to salute and greet you.

The queen took a step forward and smiled softly: "Get up, don't be too polite. This is something new, but you can't say it anymore, it's not good to spread it."

"Yes, this servant knows." I shrugged my eyebrows, the empress was cautious, was she afraid that Concubine Su would make a fuss about it?I got up and looked up, the queen was also looking at me, but I saw that her eyes were as watery, as quiet as an autumn pool, with a gentle expression, as clear as a flower and a grass in the garden, and one could hardly feel her presence in a trance , but in the blink of an eye, she was truly still there, with a smile as light as a cloud floating on her lips.

I was very puzzled, this empress would make people think that she was bright as a pearl and eye-catching at one moment, but at another moment she would be perceived as clear as vegetation and hazy like mist.I was a little dizzy, but I knew that I shouldn't be staring at her like this at this moment, so I pretended to be shy and smiled shyly, and lowered my head slightly.

"Your name is Feifei, right?" The queen said suddenly, and I was slightly startled. Before I could speak, the queen said, "You don't need to salute, please don't say goodbye in the future. Besides, we are all one family, let alone..." Suddenly kept silent, just looked at me and smiled lightly, and dragged Xiao Huai into the house.

But I'm a lake in the middle of the water, Mamma Mia, what did she mean by that just now?

I didn't say what my name was, but she called out my name?She said that I "don't need to salute", did she know the gold medal that the King of Farts gave me?Then what does "we are all family" mean?I absolutely don't believe that her thinking is so advanced, she treats a slave as a family member!And the "what's more" behind that, the words are not finished, it is even more thought-provoking.

I suddenly felt that this queen was not as "kind and gentle" as the little villain said, so I followed the waves in my heart.

Xiao Huaihua was arm in arm with her, very intimate.Apparently, what he said just now aroused the curiosity of Xiaobaiba, and he pestered the queen all the way to ask questions, but the queen took it with her in a gentle manner, and I felt more and more that this queen was not simple.

That's right, I suddenly remembered what I overheard with the little angel that day in the back garden of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Concubine Su Gui wanted to kill Ye Qianqian to prevent her from entering the palace. Kind and gentle, how could he acquiesce in the assassination of a woman he had never met?

Just seeing her inquire about my situation so clearly, I felt chills for a while.

She told me so clearly, is it a kind of "gentle and kind" warning?I smiled wryly, what's so good about that stinking fart king, so many women are fighting for him openly and secretly?I just think he's a stallion, a sand pig, NND, don't give it to me!
He's not Tang Seng, he can let you play if he has nothing to do, but if he can't play, he can kill and eat and live forever?cut!

(End of this chapter)

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