The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 128 Moon Black Wind High Killing Night 1

Chapter 128 Moon Black Wind High Killing Night 1
Chapter 97 The Dark Moon and High Murder Night

Xiao Huai Hua had a good conversation with her sister Yan, but it was hard for me, standing by the side and unable to sit, unable to walk.Although the Queen also invited me to sit down several times, how could I not be ignorant, so I could only endure the dissatisfaction in my heart, but declined firmly with a smile on my face.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Xiao Huai had no intention of leaving, I glanced at Xiao Wuzi, he was standing aside with a solemn face, his face did not change color, his eyes did not squint, and he did not remind Xiao Huai at all It means that you should go back to the palace.

I think Xiaobaiba would play like this very late every time I come here, but I can't stand still, I shake slightly from side to side, and my legs are numb.

I really admire the other court ladies, standing there motionless, they are more statues than statues.Except for sitting for a while at lunch with the maids, I have been standing until now.

After insisting on it for a while, the queen stayed here for dinner. During the dinner, wine was served. The little guy was so greedy that he became unconscious after a few drinks. The queen pampered the little guy. Forehead, he told me: "The princess is drunk, so she will stay with me tonight, Xiao Wu stays here, you go and get the princess's change of clothes."

With a happy face, I can finally move my legs.

He leaned forward, his legs shook a few times when he turned around, he staggered a bit before he stabilized his body, and hurried out of the yard.A light breeze mixed with a little water vapor blew, and I took a few big mouthfuls greedily, and the depression I was full of suddenly dissipated without a trace.

It's just that the sky is very dark and there is no moonlight. It should be covered by clouds. There is a trace of moisture in the wind. Is it going to rain?
I was a little timid again, so I asked the waiter at the door for a lantern, and then I got a little feeling, thinking about the way I came, and slowly moved forward.

The night wind was blowing all around, causing the leaves of the trees on both sides to rustle, and it felt a little eerie.I was already afraid of the dark, and thinking about it made me feel even more frightened.I looked up and looked around, because my eyes had already adapted to the light of the lantern, but I couldn't see the hazy darkness around me. I only felt that there was something in my eyes, and the feeling of darkness made me feel a little breathless.

Another evening wind blew in, and there was a rustling sound all around. I couldn't help shivering, goose bumps all over my body, feeling gloomy, and I couldn't help speeding up my steps, and gradually started to trot, always feeling behind me. It was like something, running faster and faster, as if there was a ghost chasing me behind me, my forehead was hot and cold, and I stretched out my hand to touch it, shaking a sleeve of cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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