The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 129 Moon Black Wind High Killing Night 2

Chapter 129 Moon Black Wind High Killing Night 2
Chapter 97 The Dark Moon and High Murder Night

Suddenly, I felt a chill in my heart, and a faint, inaudible sound of breaking through the air rang above my head.

I felt more and more that there was a ghost, and I yelled "There is a ghost!" I let go of my feet and ran away.How can I remember the direction in the panic, anyway, the surrounding area is pitch black, even if it is daytime, I may not be able to distinguish clearly, let alone night.

The lantern in my hand shook so much that the road in front of me swayed from side to side. I was dazzled and flustered. I felt that every step I stepped on was empty, and I ran forward very unsteadily with one foot high and the other low.

With a sound of "huh", it seemed as if an evil spirit was flying from behind. I yelled and ran forward screaming, my neck tightened, and my running forward seemed to be frozen, and the collar of my clothes changed. It became a rope and strangled the wound on my neck. I was terrified and screamed again, but I couldn’t cry out after a few times. My neck seemed to be stuck. I had difficulty breathing, and I gradually asphyxia.

It's over, it's over, I don't know how many unjust ghosts were killed in this palace, they must have come out at night to seek someone's life.Damn, don't look for me, I'm also a victim.

Originally, I didn't believe in ghosts, but I have traveled through time and space for thousands of years, what else can I not believe in?

I was so frightened that I couldn't make a sound, and suddenly I was lifted into the air, and was picked up by something, my hands and feet became weak under the shock, and the lantern slipped away with a "poof", fell to the ground and immediately burned, a burst of flames burst into flames, I slightly saw a black shadow like a big bird on the ground, and my heart trembled again, smelly bat?

In an instant, cold sweat broke out all over my body. Is it human or not a ghost? He came to kill me!In desperation, he tilted his head and had no choice but to play dead.

After "flying" a few times in the air, I couldn't tell the direction, I only knew that my body was being swayed from side to side, then stopped suddenly, and fell to the ground with a "slap", I almost cried out in pain Come, but hold back desperately.

In the dark, I felt the bat approaching me. It touched my nose with its hand. I held my breath. After a while, he retracted his hand, as if he took a breath. I think I was scared to death. Bar.

But I heard the sound of clothes rustling, the bat seemed to find something, put it on the ground beside me, took out another piece of skirt, and hooked it on the branch next to it, with a "hiss", leaving A piece of clothing.

My heart trembled, who did he arrange this to blame?
(End of this chapter)

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