The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 130 Moon Black Wind High Killing Night 3

Chapter 130 Moon Black Wind High Killing Night 3
Chapter 97 The Dark Moon and High Murder Night

What was thrown on the ground must be some kind of evidence, and the cloth on the branches must also be able to find that person. He must be very aware of these things, so he finally arranged them.Or instigated by others, it must be.So who is it?

Suddenly the pressure was approaching, I quickly pretended to be dead, lightened up, and then felt thrown up by him.

I was out of my wits, didn't he throw me into the well?
Then I'm dead... But I feel like my body is falling downwards like a throwing arc. There is a "wow" and the water splashes everywhere. I only feel that the whole body is surrounded by water, and a burst of cold hits me.

I didn't dare to struggle loudly, for fear that the splash of water would attract his attention.

I only lightly swing my hands and feet to adjust myself to the head-on-foot position. Fortunately, I can swim, which used to be my favorite sport in the 21st century.And every time I practice holding my breath, I can hold my breath for up to 2 minutes.

More than half a minute passed, and the guards shouted from the shore. I couldn't hear the bat leaving under the water, but since someone came over, I didn't worry anymore. surfaced.

"Hurry up, the sound of water is over there."

The guards raised their torches and surrounded them. It was probably because of my screaming earlier and the sound of entering the water just now that they were alarmed.My heart moved, yes, the stinky bat was afraid that people would pick up the evidence by chance, so it deliberately made the sound of water to attract people, so that it could get the evidence on the spot.

The fire light approached, I slammed my arms towards the water, and screamed: "Help... woo... Help..."

I screamed miserably, in fact I was really scared, a person on the shore exclaimed: "Your Majesty, it's Feifei..."

The voice was a bit familiar, it seemed to be the voice of Chu Xuan, the king's attendant, is the king also here?I was overjoyed, I glared and wanted to swim up, but suddenly my foot jerked, my body sank instantly, and the water splashed towards me with a buzzing sound.

I panicked for a while, opened my mouth to call for help, but forgot to be in the water, choked on a big mouthful of water, struggled a few times, even my hands cramped, lost all balance in an instant, and sank...

God!I don't want to be drowned!

But I heard an exclamation from the shore, "Your Majesty, you can't go down..." Before the words fell, the sound of "plop" and "plop" was heard, and the hand was caught in a semi-conscious state, and then the neck was lifted , followed by the surface of the water.

I took a few deep breaths, opened my eyes and looked, a sharp side face was carved into my eyes, my heart trembled, and I quickly closed my eyes again.

The Fart King put me flat on the ground, and I still pretended to be unconscious, because I was in too complicated a mood at the moment and didn't know how to face him.

But I felt that the clothes on my chest were torn apart with a "hiss", and I was about to struggle when a "bang" punch fell, and my body trembled. Come out, "Ah... ouch, it hurts! Don't hit me, don't hit me, do you think it's a bit sweet for the farmer's three punches? It hurts me to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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