The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 134 Pushing the boat with the current, making trouble 2

Chapter 134 Pushing the boat with the current, making trouble 2
Chapter 100 Pushing the boat along with the current, adding insult to injury

I saw that the fire was already on fire, and I laughed slyly in my heart, let me add more firewood.

With a "bat", my legs really knelt down, and I twitched in pain. "Your Majesty, it's the servants who are bad. They shouldn't offend the noble concubine and empress, and make her unhappy. It is also right for the noble concubine to kill the servants. It is indeed the servants who did something wrong! Last time, the servants were ignorant and took the life-saving pill. , Your Majesty may be even more annoyed when she sees that the servant is alive. That's why I sent Xiaoyu to give the servant the death penalty again yesterday."

I am also skillful in speaking, and I put the word "gift" very emphatically in every sentence.Sure enough, King Fart's face became darker and colder, and Xie Xie's voice was erratic, as if it came from hell: "Give you a capital punishment? She has a lot of power!"

"Your Majesty... Please don't blame the concubine, it's all the servant's fault. The servant has no eyes, and even bumped into the concubine. The servant is willing to die to apologize! Please do it, Your Majesty!" Trembling, but I was praying in my heart, don't let the fart king really help me, I definitely don't want to die, you have to understand my heart!

"Humph! Come on!"

I trembled in fright, it's over, it's over, isn't it really trying to fulfill me?In an instant, his face was pale, and his whole body was weak. Now it's all right. If you steal a chicken, you won't lose money. Am I just going to fall like this?Fart King, you idiot, you idiot, you don’t even understand the irony I’m saying, you!You, you, if you really fulfill me, I will kill you if I turn into a ghost...

"Here." Two guards with knives came in outside, and I was so scared that I didn't dare to look at them, but I heard the King of Farts shouted coldly: "Pull her down, and she will be executed in a short time."

ah!I was so shocked that I almost passed out on the spot.Ling Chi?Cut to pieces... oh my god, don't!

"do not want!"


Suddenly there was a shrill scream, and Xiaoyu next to me got the strength to climb up a step and grab the tea bowl on the ground.And the two guards with knives behind her thought that Xiaoyu was going to harm the king, so they drew their knives and slashed at her like lightning, and Xiaoyu stabbed back with a bowl in the blink of an eye. Inserting it into her own neck, the two knives pierced through her chest with great accuracy, Xiaoyu died immediately without even groaning!
I was so horrified that I covered my mouth tightly with both hands, stared at her miserable appearance with wide eyes, and couldn't move anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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