The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 135 The Consequences of the Peacock Spreading Its Screen 2

Chapter 135 The Consequences of the Peacock Spreading Its Screen 2
Chapter [-]: The Consequences of the Peacock Spreading Its Tails

When I met his eyes and saw him smiling slightly, I blinked playfully as a return.

Concubine Su Gui on the ground had tear stains all over her face. Although she looked like she had suffered all kinds of grievances, she still showed a charming and charming demeanor. With the tear stains on her face, don't make me feel pity.

She usually looks arrogant and domineering, but today she behaves pitifully.

I am funny in my heart, everyone knows who you are, so there is no need to pretend anymore.

Concubine Su Gui heard the footsteps, she thought it was the king, and she prepared her face full of weakness and charm, but she was about to speak when she saw me, all the amorous feelings froze in an instant, and then slowly turned hideous, like a face scarf , was slowly being twisted into a twist.

The feeling of weakness and grievance that was brewing just now has long since disappeared. At this moment, his eyes are wide open and he is glaring at me, wishing to eat me up.

I laughed secretly in my heart, and there was another good show to watch Luo.

"Why are you here, bitch?"

Concubine Su didn't speak human words when she opened her mouth. I deliberately angered her, smiled slightly, and said softly: "Returning to the words of the imperial concubine, the slaves are here to serve the king to rest. The king has just fallen asleep. Please wait a moment, the imperial concubine." a while."

As soon as the king fell asleep, the noble concubine's expression immediately relaxed, and then I bit down the word "servant" very hard. In fact, I raised an eyebrow at her just to stimulate her when I said it, and she was really big. Angry, she jumped up and rushed towards me, "Bitch, just like your sister, she is a vixen who specializes in seducing the king!" She stretched out her hand and slapped me.

I was not afraid at all, and when her palm was about to approach me, I stopped abruptly.

Chu Xuan grabbed her wrist like a god, but his soft words were full of deterrence, "Imperial concubine, the king punished you to kneel here to reflect on yourself. Without the king's order, you can't get up by yourself. Please kneel back!" .”

Concubine Su Gui was very angry, she seemed to be a little afraid of Chu Xuan's words, her eyes flickered, she felt resentful and unwilling, thinking that the king was asleep, she slapped Chu Xuan back, and cursed playfully : "What are you? How dare you touch me? I want to teach a girl a lesson. Is it your turn to save someone like a dog slave? Hmph!"

I didn't expect Concubine Su Gui to even dare to hit Chu Xuan, so I was stunned on the spot for a moment.

I didn't wake up until Chu Xuan grabbed Concubine Su's wrist for the second time.In an instant, I flew into a rage, dammit, if you don't show your power, you think I'm just a fledgling?Didn't hit it the first time and want to hit it a second time?
This woman really owes her a lesson!
(End of this chapter)

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