The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 136 The Consequences of the Peacock Spreading Its Screen 3

Chapter 136 The Consequences of the Peacock Spreading Its Screen 3
Chapter [-]: The Consequences of the Peacock Spreading Its Tails

"Presumptuous! How dare you touch me again? Let go! Are you dying, you dog slave?"

Chu Xuan ignored Concubine Su Gui's swearing at all, and just replied coldly: "Please kneel back, Your Majesty."

I saw the red and purple palm print on Chu Xuan's face, and I felt angry and hurt in my heart, that woman really hit hard!I thought that the king is in the inner room, he should come out, maybe he is listening to all this from behind.

He gritted his teeth resentfully in his heart, but his face had a terrified expression, a cowardly look.

"Your concubine, please be merciful. Chu's bodyguard is the king's personal bodyguard after all. If you hit him mercilessly, how can the king explain it?"

"Hmph! Is it worth asking me for a dog slave?" Su Guifei's words were extremely disdainful, and I cried in my heart, beating a dog depends on the master!

The eunuch Fu Hai who was standing beside him sneaked past, but was spotted by the sharp-eyed Concubine Su, who immediately shouted sharply, "Mr. Fu Hai, where are you going?"

Fu Hai froze, turned around in embarrassment, smiled wryly, and dared not speak.Concubine Su Gui was very proud, she threw off Chu Xuan's restraint, but she didn't do anything to me anymore.

Pointing at the crowd and cursing, "Huh! You slaves, you usually act like dogs and don't listen to what I say, and you are against me everywhere. Today, I must teach you a lesson. You, this seductive You bastard, don’t think that if the king wants you to serve you, you’ll be flirting all day long. Try to think of ways to seduce the king, but I’ll tell you that there is no way. If you want to fly on a branch and become a phoenix, you can decide for yourself.”

My heart was filled with anger, but my face was submissive: "Yes, I will obey the words of the imperial concubine. The servants will stick to their duties, dare not forget their identities, and never dare to go beyond the rules. Besides, how dare the servants fight with the imperial concubine?" The imperial concubine is going against you, you don’t have the heart, let alone the courage! The empress is a phoenix, and the imperial concubine is a peacock, and they are also the king of all birds. The servants and servants can only be true if they serve you attentively!"

"Hmph! You're still smart!"

Concubine Su Gui couldn't help but feel a little smug when she heard me praise her, her face softened a little, and she remembered that the queen is the Phoenix, her heart was unbalanced again, her pretty face sank, and she scoffed coldly: "Hmph! So what about the Phoenix, I haven't seen you yet She opened her tail. Only peacocks can open their tails. Sooner or later, I will let the king crown the peacock as the king of all birds. She is a little phoenix, and she will also bow her head."

(End of this chapter)

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