The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 137 The Consequences of the Peacock Spreading Its Screen 4

Chapter 137 The Consequences of the Peacock Spreading Its Screen 4
Chapter [-]: The Consequences of the Peacock Spreading Its Tails

There was a slight gasp in the surroundings, I was amused in my heart, Concubine Su Gui, did you not take your brains when you went out today?Sure enough, it's gold and jade, but it's ruined, and it really doesn't take much effort to deal with you.As long as I "guidance" a little, you will be rebellious every sentence, as long as one sentence is heard by the queen or king, you will not escape punishment.

You are too arrogant, you actually swear words in the king's bedroom, I really don't know how to write dead words.

I gave a dry laugh, and said weakly: "Your Majesty, you really have great ambitions! But Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's not right for a peacock to be the king of all birds?"


Concubine Su Gui was furious, she turned her head and stared at me fiercely, she was very unconvinced and said: "What's wrong? Her Murong family is just a general, and my Su family is full of loyal families, all of them are generals. The military power is no less than that of the Murong family, so why is she so arrogant?"

I laughed heartily, Su Guifei, you are finished!It doesn't matter if your mind is empty, but don't get in the water!
It's a pity that her mind is full of water today, can she say such things?Isn't this a clear threat to the king, as long as her young lady is not happy, she can let Su's family send troops to force the palace at any time?
"Really? But no matter what I hear or look at, I think it's the imperial concubine, you are very arrogant!"

"Bastard, how dare you say that about me... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhse The deflated ball, crying and holding his face, how could there be any hypocrisy that was brewing before!

Everyone knelt down together, "See Your Majesty."

The Fart King ignored everyone at all, and looked coldly at the shivering Concubine Su Gui who was lying on the ground. There seemed to be no expression on her face, but from those evil eyes, I saw evil coldness and violence.The eyebrows that flew out evilly seemed to be raised at the root, and they were stuck on the eyebrows like a sharp sword, piercing the air like a hole, dull and suffocating.

I obediently knelt on the ground with everyone, I don't need to say anything at this moment, because I know that Su Guifei's trip is really miserable.

"What did Yan'er feel after thinking about it? Tell me." The tone of the understatement seemed to have no strength, but I knew it was the darkness before dawn!Every time the Fart King gets angry, the wind and rain are always calm, and it will be a storm in a while!

(End of this chapter)

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