The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 138 The Consequences of the Peacock Spreading Its Screen 5

Chapter 138 The Consequences of the Peacock Spreading Its Screen 5
Chapter [-]: The Consequences of the Peacock Spreading Its Tails

"Your Majesty, my concubine...the concubine really didn't order anyone to kill that bitch...that girl, although Xiaoyu is the concubine's girl, she was transferred to Chunnuan Pavilion by the empress half a month ago. Concubine..."

"Huh?" The Fart King interrupted Su Guifei without waiting for her to finish speaking, with a sneer in his evil eyes, "You mean, all of this was arranged by the queen?"

"The concubine dare not speak."

Obviously insincere, Concubine Su pouted her face unwillingly and buried her head, but there was a "bang" sound, and King Fart slapped the coffee table beside him with a clatter, and the coffee table suddenly collapsed as if toppled over, everyone was terrified Shocked, dare not breathe out.

"How dare you tease me? So what if your Su family is full of loyalty? Do you want to divide half of my country into your Su family? What a joke!"

Speaking of this, the Fart King smiled arrogantly, "When I was 10 years old, I led General Murong to gallop to the battlefield. How could you, a little woman, know that? So what if you hold the military power in your hand? The world belongs to me, which round You want to be a peacock? Humph! I will let you know today the consequences of the peacock opening its tail! Someone, pull Concubine Su Gui down, give her a heavy blow of 50 boards, and confine her for half a year."

"Ah! No, my lord, my concubine made a mistake, and I will never dare again. The concubine's father is also a general, please be merciful, my lord!" Su Guifei screamed in fright, but the stinky king Hearing this, his face turned blue, and instead of being angry, he smiled, "Ha! If I want to punish you, I have to see General Su's face? Pull it down! Directly throw you into limbo!"

After finishing speaking, he moved closer to Concubine Su Gui's pretty face that had already turned pale from fright, and reached out to stroke it, as if wiping away her tears.I was shocked, what's going on?

I couldn't see his expression, but I heard the evil and cold voice of the King of Farts as if it came from hell, "It's really a bomb, I see You Lian! I don't know if Ximen Shang still likes it?"

"Ah! Don't! Your Majesty, don't... Don't go, my concubine, don't go, my concubine..."

The Smelly King gave a sinister smile, and with a wave of his hand, several guards immediately pulled out Su Guifei, who was howling like ghosts and wolves. After a while, he heard the sound of a board being beaten, Su Guifei screamed like killing a pig, and the corners of the Smelly King's mouth curled up slightly. Seems to be very happy?My heart trembled when I saw it, this guy turned his face and it really is not easy to mess with!

Concubine Su Gui also asked for it, the wailing outside made me tremble with fear, but it really relieved my hatred.

But I know one thing, the consequence of the peacock opening its tail is to expose the butthole and bloom! ——
Feifei is going to the hospital in the afternoon. I don't know if I have time to update it in the evening, so I will update 4 chapters first.

But I will try my best to update it at night, and it will be later if I want to update it, let me tell you first~~~
(End of this chapter)

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