Chapter 144 Shocking news 1
Feifei's finished novel "Legend of the Fairy Concubine" has entered the semi-finals, please help me vote~~
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Chapter [-] Shocking News

I was shocked, knowing that I couldn't hide it from him, so I simply admitted generously, "Yes, this servant is just annoyed with her a little bit, but if she has no other thoughts in mind, no matter how many tricks this servant sets up, she won't be able to get in!" With his extremely disapproving expression, I hurriedly said in a flattering voice: "Your Majesty, you are so powerful. I can't hide a single drop of my thoughts from you, you really have sharp eyes!"

He gave a cold snort of disdain, and then asked, "What do you mean by fiery eyes?"

I quickly explained: "The sharp eyes mean that a person's eyes are so powerful that they can see through other people's inner thoughts, and they can also see through the truth and falsehood of things at a glance."

The Fart King held up his teacup and drank tea noncommittally. I thought to myself that this guy really spoke well, and then he fell silent again.Finally, I deliberately eased the relationship with him, but I didn't expect him to drag him in again.What a bad face and bad temper!
"What bad idea did you think of just now?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I was wondering what the Queen Mother likes..." Uh, I suddenly woke up, but it was too late to cover my mouth.This fart king is insidious enough, he asked me coldly when my mind was wandering, and got my thoughts, NND, when did he become as fond of setting people up as I am?

"Why don't you ask what the Empress Dowager likes? You girl, you'd better stop using the Empress Dowager's brains, otherwise I won't let you go. It's fine for you to mess around in front of the concubines. Anyway, they are too pampered, so they should be dealt with. The queen mother is my mother, if you have any evil ideas, be careful that I will pick your skin."

The Fart King put on a dirty face and warned me sharply, and I hurriedly explained: "It's a misunderstanding! The queen mother is so kind, how could I hit her old man's idea? Don't worry, even if I give the servant a hundred and one thousand courage , I won’t!” Seeing him still staring at me, I raised my right hand and swore loudly: “I swear, I really won’t!”

"Well, let's go down." The Fart King waved at me coldly, and I hurriedly bowed slightly, "Your servant will leave."

I thought to myself why didn't the fart king sleep with me today?Quickly poohed three times in my heart, MD, I am used to sleeping with you, but you actually want to sleep with me, you are too unmotivated.

Just as he was about to close the door, Fart King said coldly: "From now on, you can go play with Bad Bad during the day, but you must come back before dinner."

"Ah? Really?" I hurriedly turned back, and saw that he had a book in his hand at some point, pretending to be engrossed in it, and didn't even look at me, as if he didn't say what he said just now.

I still smiled happily, and bowed to thank you, "Thank you, my lord, for your kindness." After saying that, I went out, but I didn't know that the king of stinky farts was also smiling inside.

(End of this chapter)

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