Chapter 145 Shocking news 2
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Chapter [-] Shocking News

Because I was waiting for news from Chu Xuan, I kept guarding at the gate.

It was already dark, and a row of wind lanterns were burning outside the hall, swinging lightly in the night wind.The moonlight is very light and the night breeze is cool. I sit on the threshold and think about what happened today.

Concubine Su Gui has already been sent to the cold palace, what King Stinky Fart said about Ximen Shang, I don't know what it means, it seems that he wants to give Concubine Su Gui to him.I thought that women can give it away casually?It's still your own concubine, won't you be afraid that people in the world will laugh at you if you send it out?If it is really possible, then the status of a woman here is too low.

And the King of Farts, I really can't figure him out.It's too fickle, he sneers when he should laugh, and laughs again when he should be angry, thinking that he is inhuman, but he really loves the little villain, but it's not because of the little villain, he has his own A way to control small and bad things.

He even joked with us just now, thinking he agreed, but he tricked us once, so angry that Xiao Huai ran back to the palace, and finally promised me that he could accompany Xiao Huai during the day.Damn, how many times a day do you think about this?I can hardly keep up. Sometimes it makes people scared, sometimes it makes people laugh and cry, and sometimes it surprises people. MD, if this continues, I will definitely become crazy.

Also, he knew that I deliberately caused Concubine Su to make a mistake, but he pretended not to say anything, and he did not blame me when he made it clear afterwards. I really don't know if he cared about me or used me.Chu Xuan was sent to protect me again, should I be moved or angry?Damn, he is such a devil, people can't see clearly, understand and guess, but I can't help but think about it, it's exhausting my head!

Just as I was thinking, Chu Xuan had already slammed in front of me, which made my heart beat again in fright.

I didn't have time to scold him, so I hurriedly tugged at his sleeve and asked, "How is it? Is my mother okay? Has she lost weight again? Did she ask me? Has she been bullied?" ? Does she live in the sparrow's nest or in Qingyou Pavilion?..."

"Feifei..." Chu Xuan interrupted my continuous bombardment, I smiled embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I asked too many questions. You answer first, is my mother okay? "

Chu Xuan's expression darkened, and my heart skipped a beat, did something happen to my mother?Sure enough, Chu Xuan looked strange and said: "Feifei, first promise me not to be sad..."

(End of this chapter)

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