Chapter 146 Shocking news 3
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Chapter [-] Shocking News

"I'm not sad! Tell me!"

"Ma'am, she... died the day after you left..."

"Why? How did she die?"

"There are rumors in the mansion that he committed suicide by diving..."

"I don't believe it!" My expression was a little numb, but I was not stupid. "My mother said that there is hope in life, and she persuaded me to live a good life. How could she commit suicide? I absolutely don't believe it. I want to ask Mr. Ye Chen why she forced my mother to death..."

As he said that, he was about to rush out, Chu Xuan hugged me, I was about to go crazy, struggling desperately, shouting loudly, "Get out of the way, let me ask him..." But suddenly I couldn't speak, it turned out that I was caught Chu Xuan tapped the acupuncture points.

"Feifei, this is the palace, don't shout loudly, or you will alarm the king, and you and I will be in trouble."

Seeing a flash in my eyes, I don't know where to click on my body, and my acupuncture points have been untied.I bit my lower lip desperately, trying not to make a sound.Well, you old man Ye, you actually forced my mother to death and then sold me to a brothel, I must settle the debt with you.If I don't take revenge, I swear I won't be a human being!

Her lips were salty, probably bleeding from my bite.Chu Xuan distressedly took out a handkerchief to wipe it for me, but I ignored it.

Ye Chen's status is high and powerful, and I won't be able to bring him down for a while, but his daughter Ye Qianqian is the concubine of the Fart King, and I have a million ways to make her life worse than death!

Well, to overthrow Ye Qianqian will make old man Ye fearful.But that's not my ultimate goal, I want to ruin Old Man Ye's reputation!Just wait, I, Ye Feifei, do what I say. It doesn't matter if you mess with me, but you shouldn't force my mother to death!

Old man Ye, just wait!
Suddenly, I thought of someone, and hurriedly stopped Chu Xuan from wiping my hand, "Chu Xuan, there is another person in the minister's mansion, please help me find her. I have never seen her, only heard her voice, very distant, very Gentle, like the moon in the sky, as soft as a feather. She was locked in a courtyard, and there was nothing special outside. Some camphor trees were planted, and there were many morning glories on the courtyard wall, but the inside was full of four-season begonias. , red, white, yellow, green... that woman was locked there... she... I don't know who she is, but I feel that she has something to do with me, help me find it, okay?"

"Four Seasons Begonia?" Chu Xuan was slightly taken aback, his expression a little unclear, "Donglin Kingdom has never planted begonias, why would there be such flowers and plants in the Minister's Mansion?" Chu Xuan said to himself, although I heard Liao couldn't answer him.

"Okay, I'll help you find it, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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