Chapter 149 Shocking Gossip 3
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Chapter [-] Appalling Gossip

"...Well, whoever said otherwise, if I had such a good opportunity by the King's side, I would make good use of it. However, it's no wonder that Concubine Xian is angry. My sisters come to compete for favor, and no one will be happy if I leave it alone."

"That's right, that bitch Feifei is really good at seductiveness. I heard that he stalked the king that night. The next day, the redness on the bed was puddles and puddles, and Concubine Xian's face turned green with anger."

"It's more than that. I heard that the king is haunted by her every night, and even the empresses in other palaces don't call anymore."

"Really? Is that bitch really so attractive?"

…Suddenly my arm was grabbed by someone, I turned my head blankly, seeing Xiaobaiba had a strange expression on his face, I was busy and made a silent request of "shh", Xiaobaihua made an expression of "I'll settle the score with you later", keep listening.

"...You know? Even the empress wouldn't let her kneel down and salute, saying that she would be a family from now on."

"Really? How do you know?"

"When I sent the clothes, I heard what Cui'er and Hong'er said. It's more than that. Concubine Su was beaten 50 times by the king and almost lost her life. I heard that it was because of her. Into the limbo, I heard that it will be given to Xiziguo in exchange, do you think that bitch is too powerful?"

"This... is really unbelievable. Concubine Su is so favored, and yet she suffers so miserably. Could it be that that bitch knows magic tricks?"

"Who says it's not! I heard that the demon girl was pushed into the water by Xiaoyu for almost half an hour, but she didn't drown. She didn't call for help until the king came up, and then immediately pretended to be unconscious by drowning. She really knows how to act. Neither did the king. Knowing what kind of drug she took, she jumped into the water to save her personally... Sigh, if I had half of her demon skills, I wouldn't have to be here to wash clothes every day..."

"Hey, if you have that skill, you'll be a queen long ago..."

"Okay, tell you to laugh at me, see if I don't tickle you to death..."

"Oh don't...hehe...haha..."

The two palace maids walked away laughing and laughing, but I was struck by lightning and felt powerless!

Oh my god, the two of them talked as if they saw it with their own eyes, why pestering that stinky fart king every night, he is pestering me, okay!It's still red, MD, I'm still a pure virgin, when did it become red?What's even more exaggerated is that there are puddles of puddles, what the hell is he vomiting blood again?
(End of this chapter)

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