Chapter 150 Shocking Gossip 4
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Chapter [-] Appalling Gossip

vomiting blood?There was a flash of inspiration in my mind, and I really vomited blood!I was poisoned that day, and the young master in black forced me out. Didn't I vomit a big mouthful of blood on the bed at that time?Later, when the Fart King came back, he didn't notice it?
No way... How could he not notice when I felt cold?How could such a shrewd person not find out?But why didn't you ask me after you found out?The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became, and I felt that there must be some kind of conspiracy, but I couldn't figure it out...

Seeing that my face turned pale from moment to moment when I was angry, Xiaohuaihua couldn't help asking with concern: "Feifei, what's wrong with you?
Then he said very angrily: "Is it because they are talking nonsense? Then don't be angry, I will cut off the tongues of the two of them! See if they dare to chew their tongues in the future!"

After finishing speaking, I was going to chase the two of them, so I quickly grabbed her, "No, no, I thought of something."

After I finished speaking, I gritted my teeth and hated my voice, "Hmph! How can I care what those court ladies say? The clear will be clear, and the turbid will be turbid. I am not afraid of crooked shadows. I didn't do anything. What are they talking about! However, what I hate all my life is being wronged, the two of them are just little court ladies, this rumor must not have been spread by the two of them, if you want to find it, find the culprit!"

"Yes! I also hate gossiping people the most, but I hate those who sow discord and spread rumors the most. Those court ladies are also really hateful, and I must teach them a lesson when I find a chance." The little villain actually looked deeply hurt The angry look, I suddenly felt moved as if I had found a bosom friend.

"I won't let her go! But who is she?"

I tilted my head and thought about it carefully, Ye Qianqian broke in early that morning, and the little eunuch Fuhai was also there.There are no other girls in the hall.Later, the queen also knew about me. Since she already knew that I had a gold medal, she should also know about other things clearly.

"Who is it? I'll help you get rid of her!" Xiao Huai bad looked more anxious than me.

I thought about it, and slowly uttered a name, "Ye Qianqian." It must be her, when she broke in that morning, she witnessed me and the king of stinky farts in bed, and then I accidentally tore off the quilt, Then what "Luohong" made her yell!

snort!She even wanted to stop Piao Piao from entering the palace. Now that she knows that I have such a relationship with the King of Stinky Farts, of course she must find a way to destroy it!Maybe the Queen's news was provided by her!

(End of this chapter)

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