Chapter 151 Overheard in the Dark Night 1
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Chapter [-]: Eavesdropping in the dark

snort!She even wanted to stop Piao Piao from entering the palace. Now that she knows that I have such a relationship with the King of Stinky Farts, of course she must find a way to destroy it!Maybe the Queen's news was provided by her!

"Concubine Xian?" Xiao Huai Hua didn't seem to believe it, "Isn't she your sister?"

I was stunned, "So Concubine Xian is her?" I heard this name more than once, that time King Fart jumped into the water to save me, he thought I was Concubine Xian.In fact, I know that what he really wants to save is me, and he didn't admit the wrong person at all, it's just that he wants to save face and doesn't want to admit it.

It turned out that she was Concubine Xian.

That's easy.Originally, I had some complaints about Ye Qianqian, but because of her ruthless attitude towards Piao Piao, I hated her even more.When I met her in the palace that time, she acted submissive again, she was really a villain.

This time, even more rumors were spread, saying how ambiguous the Fart King and I were, maybe because I was afraid that I would really win her favor, so the concubines in the palace would naturally point their fingers at me, good episode the power of all to get rid of me.

I sneered, "Sister? Oh, I really have a good sister!"

"No, I see that she keeps her duty. She smiles all over her face when she sees everyone. The queen mother even praised her, saying that your minister's mansion has taught a good daughter who is knowledgeable and polite. Since she is you Sister, how could you do such a thing?"

I sneered, knowing that Ye Qianqian usually put in a lot of effort in the palace, this scene was well done, it had left a good impression on them, and there was no way to explain it clearly to Xiao Huai. "It's a long story. In short, a person will use all means to achieve his goal. True or false, false or true, after a long time, her true face will naturally be revealed."

Xiaobaibai seemed to understand, but he said something that moved me very much, "It's okay, Feifei, anyway, I believe in you!"

I'm about to go up and hug her. At this moment, the pair of big round eyes are really watery and full of tears!I never thought that such a noble princess who was born in the royal family would treat me sincerely!

Even when she heard the ambiguous rumors between me and her brother Wang, she still believed in me so much!But at this moment, I thought of the pervert. It would be great if he was here, at least he can help me think about how to get revenge!

It's just that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, I want to be in love but he is not there!
(End of this chapter)

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