Chapter 152 Overheard in the Dark Night 2
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Chapter [-]: Eavesdropping in the dark

It's all right at noon, after we had lunch in her palace with Xiaobaibai, we began to study the revenge plan.

First of all, we must figure out the geographical environment of Ye Qianqian, which is called Lidian in black language.I originally hoped that Xiao Huai could provide some information, but she shook her head and said she didn't know, all she knew was that she lived in Pinxian Pavilion, that's why she was called Concubine Xian.In the end, I had no choice but to call Xiao Wuzi, and watched him carefully. There were buildings, scenic lakes, etc., and what Concubine Xian did in a day.

The most important point is not to reveal the Xingzang.

Chu Xuan is not here, so I guess he is with the Fart King. I can't ask him to help me to investigate. If I have his good lightness kung fu, everything will be convenient.

Xiaobaibai and I sat at the table, studying all kinds of "tricks" for revenge. Before I knew it, it was getting dark. go back!Get up and bid farewell to Xiaobaibai.

There is a little distance between the little villain's palace and the bedchamber of the Fart King, about 10 minutes on foot.

It was getting dark outside the palace, and the moon was flickering. In addition, there were flowers, plants and shrubs everywhere, rockery and stone walls, and nine winding corridors, so the visibility was not very high.Anyway, I went back and forth several times, but this time I didn't get lost.

Scanning my memory, I trotted anxiously, in case the king of farts came back first and I was not there, I would be scolded by him again.What's more, I was "late" on the first day, and I was worried that if he was unhappy, he wouldn't let me play badly, that would be terrible.

The evening breeze is gentle, the moon is faint, the scenery is faint, and the corridor has nine curves.

The front was brightly lit, and someone was vaguely carrying a lantern.I hurriedly slowed down my pace, if I run into another master, I won't be able to walk around without the little bad guy by my side.Seeing the lantern slowly approaching me, I hurriedly turned over and hid behind the railing.

Looking forward, with the help of the weak light, two figures can be vaguely seen.One seemed to be dressed in fluttering white clothes, quite ethereal like a fairy, and the other couldn't see the color of the clothes clearly, but guessed it was a court lady, holding a lantern for the woman in white.

"Your Majesty, don't be discouraged. The King must have been exhausted by that girl recently, so he will reject you. You must not create a quarrel with the King because of this. The future will be long. As long as you are pregnant with the dragon heir, then the noble concubine's son will have a long life." The position is yours!"
PS: Guys, guess who this is?Huhu~~~
(End of this chapter)

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