Chapter 154 Overheard in the Dark Night 4
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Chapter [-]: Eavesdropping in the dark

Ye Qianqian sighed quietly, with a resentful tone, "It's a pity that the king doesn't want to see me, he would rather let that girl stay with him..."

"Your Majesty, this servant has an idea. That girl and you are sisters in name after all. You can deliberately show favor to her and get closer to her. For one thing, the king will think that you attach great importance to family affection. What you value here is the harem friendship. You can live in peace with all the concubines, but it would be unreasonable for you to associate with that girl."

The two of them sat down in the corridor as they were talking, and I happened to be hiding behind the bushes not far behind.This is a corridor, if there are people coming from the front, back, left, and right, they will see it immediately. If I hadn't hidden here, it would be safe for them to talk here.

However, he admired the scheming of the court lady!I have to admire that the maid is very powerful and her analysis is very reasonable.If the Fart King sees her being so intimate with me, he will naturally feel that she is very knowledgeable and measured, and the word "virtuous" is even more worthy of her.

But luckily for them, all this happened to be heard by me!
"Well, that makes sense. What about Er?"

"Secondly, if you take this opportunity to get close to that girl, it would be the best if you can subdue her. It will save trouble if you let her be used by you. If you can't subdue her, then pretend to be a false snake and find an opportunity to get rid of her." There are many people in the palace. As long as we arrange it properly, we will never suspect you. Afterwards, if you perform a good scene, shed a few tears or pretend to faint, you will definitely win the favor of the queen mother and the king. .”

I rely on!I can't help but curse!Damn, this woman is so fucking vicious. Fortunately, the gods treated me well and let me hear everything by accident. Otherwise, how could I have fought against such a vicious woman?
Mom, I didn't sell you to a brothel in my previous life. Is it necessary to frame me so viciously?
"Well, not bad. But will the girl be fooled?"

No matter what I heard or how I looked at it, I felt that Ye Qianqian was like a fool who wanted to be advised on everything.It's good that she has such a military advisor by her side to advise her.However, when I eavesdropped last time, wasn't that court lady on the side of the minister?She also sneaked out of the palace to report the situation to the minister. Today, it seems that the two of them are in harmony, what's going on?

"Your Majesty, don't worry. That girl grew up under the watchful eye of a servant girl. Later, you joined the palace servant girl and followed her. It was only a little over a year. Forgive her and she can't change anything. Her mother is such a stubborn person, why is she being punished by the courtier?" If she manages to be obedient and docile, the empress does not have to worry about how great she can be."

(End of this chapter)

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