Chapter 155 Overheard in the Dark Night 5
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Chapter [-]: Eavesdropping in the dark

What does it mean that my mother is such a stubborn person, and she has been dealt with submissively?

That woman must know the real situation of my mother!No, I have to find a way to catch her, maybe I can dig out the news I most want to know from her mouth!
"But..." Ye Qianqian was still worried about something, but the woman had already interrupted her. "Your Majesty, you don't have to think so much, just go ahead and do it. The servant is entrusted by the minister to assist you, and I will definitely not embarrass you!"

I heard that woman seems to be more ruthless than Ye Qianqian, but Ye Qianqian, who is the master, doesn't have that kind of aura.

"But empress, you have to pay attention to one thing. If that girl asks Mei Niang, you must confirm that she is dead, otherwise you will reveal your truth."

Mei Niang?Who is Mei Niang?Is it about me?Why don't I know?Ah... My heart skipped a beat, could it be the mysterious woman I met in that yard?
"Oh, if you die, you will die. Why do you ask so many questions?"

Ye Qianqian didn't take it seriously, and was about to get up to leave, but the maid continued to say: "Your Majesty doesn't know something, I'm afraid that the girl will find out one day, so I made such a bad plan. The servant girl was also quite surprised at the time, I don't understand why the minister did this, isn't it tantamount to regretting one of his pawns? But the minister had his own idea, probably because he knew that the secret of the treasure map could not be obtained from that girl, so he withdrew it Chess. Otherwise, I wouldn’t want to kill that girl in the brothel.”

What do you mean by that?Get a secret out of me?I don't know anything... What kind of pawn, and who is it?
"Is there really a picture of Lao Shizi? Daddy has trapped that woman for so many years, and he has exhausted all means, but I haven't seen any clues. I'm afraid it's a rumor in the world. Forget it, I'm tired, let's go back. "

"Yes, ma'am. The servant helped you up... Be careful... Although the woman is not dead, she is almost there. The girl only said that it was her mother who died. Who knows that there is another universe inside..."


"Who?" The maid's last words shocked me, and she couldn't help exclaiming. The maid's reaction was extremely fast, and she flew towards the place where I was hiding.I just felt a strong wind crushing my whole body and it was hard to move. In the darkness, I only felt a mass of pressure pouring towards me, but I couldn't even dodge it. I thought it was over this time...
PS: Feifei likes to interact with relatives. Guess who will save her?
A: Self-rescue B: Rescued by others (If you choose B, it is best to say who saved her.)

(End of this chapter)

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