Chapter 156 A Complicated Relationship 1
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Chapter [-]: A Confusing Relationship



"Who?" The maid's last words shocked me, and she couldn't help exclaiming. The maid's reaction was extremely fast, and she flew towards the place where I was hiding.I just felt a strong wind crushing my whole body and it was hard to move. In the darkness, I only felt a mass of pressure pouring towards me, but I couldn't even dodge it. I thought it was over this time...

Suddenly another person flew out from behind, and when the maid was about to approach me, she slammed her palms, four palms collided, and there was a muffled "bang". He was knocked backwards and took several big steps back before he could stand still.

Suddenly, "Wow", he spit out a mouthful of blood, but fortunately he caught it with a handkerchief in time, otherwise the blood splashed on the ground would be hard to explain tomorrow.

Ye Qianqian was already stunned on the spot, but the maid was more powerful and didn't panic, she took Ye Qianqian and walked away quickly without saying a word.All this happened in a blink of an eye. I just felt like I was playing a movie. When I came back to my senses, I was carried to the back of the rockery by a man in black.

By the faint moonlight, of course I know who the person in front of me is.

I patted my chest, and I gasped, "Oh my god, I was scared to death. It's a good thing you came, otherwise I would have been slapped into a pulp by the witch's palm. I didn't expect that woman's kung fu to be so good, but she didn't What I thought of was that you were the one who received that slap. She must have thought that you were the one hiding there just now..."

Hey, that's fine too.The court lady only said that a person with strong martial arts eavesdropped on it, so she wouldn't suspect me.When they carry out the plan just discussed with me in the future, nothing will be changed.

I still hold the advantage!

"You are too courageous. You even eavesdropped on Aunt Lan...that woman's conversation. If I hadn't appeared to save you, the consequences would have been disastrous."

I can't see the face of the young master in black, but I can already imagine his expression.Did he just say Aunt Lan?Then I hurriedly changed it, don't think I didn't hear it...

Judging from the voice of the court lady, she must be about 30 years old, Ye Qianqian's age, calling her reluctant.It's just that the young master in black, why is she called Aunt Lan?Or am I misunderstood, Lan or something, just a name?

But I pretended not to hear it, and asked calmly, "How come you are here by such a coincidence?"

(End of this chapter)

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