Chapter 158 A Complicated Relationship 3
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Chapter [-]: A Confusing Relationship


I opened my eyes and stared at him blankly, watching his hands getting closer and closer, my body seemed to have been acupunctured, and I couldn't move.Holding my breath, I felt my heart beating faster and faster, and my face was slightly burning, but I saw his hand passed over my face, touched my head, moved, and when he retracted, his hand was gone. There are more leaves.

"You will go back to Emperor Dog soon. If he finds the leaves on your head, he may become suspicious."

I let out a big sigh of relief, what the hell is wrong with me?His movements were actually very fast just now, but I... Hehe, I made a misunderstanding, so I watched so carefully, and I could see every movement clearly.It turned out that it was for me to pick off the leaves of the tree, which made me nervous for nothing.

A little inexplicably lost, I said weakly: "Oh!"

"Tch", the young master in black suddenly smiled, "What's wrong with you? Suddenly listless? Let's go, I'll take you back, why do you get lost all the time, it makes people worry, since childhood, now Still, it’s really worrying.”

"You... what did you say?"

Did I hear you right?He said I loved getting lost since I was a kid... how did he know?Coupled with the tone he accidentally revealed just now, I am even more sure that he called the court lady "Aunt Lan".

Who is he?It must have something to do with me, oh no, Ye Feifei from before.That court lady...Ye Qianqian...and her...The Minister's Mansion...What is the relationship between them?
"Well, it's nothing...someone is coming, be careful yourself."

"Ah? Hey... hello?" Why did he leave before he finished speaking?Why is there someone, deliberately prevaricate me!He also said to send me back, and fooled people.

"Feifei, why are you here?"

"Ah... ouch, I'm scared to death!" I patted my chest and said very unhappy: "Why do you masters like to appear in front of others silently? Bullying me for not knowing martial arts? It's too much, if you do this again Go down, I have a heart attack because you scared me out."

"Oh? Besides me, did anyone else scare you just now?"

"Hmph, who else is there, isn't it just..." I suddenly came to my senses, I rolled my eyes, looked at the smiling Chu Xuan, and hooked my little finger.He chuckled, and listened obediently.

I put my mouth close to his ear, biting the words lightly, "You want to trick me? No way!" Oh hahaha~~~~ After finishing speaking, I happily ran away...

(End of this chapter)

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