Chapter 159 Getting Slapped by the Fart King 1
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Chapter [-] Was Slapped by the Fart King

I put my mouth close to his ear, biting the words lightly, "You want to trick me? No way!" Oh hahaha~~~~ After finishing speaking, I happily ran away...

Together with Chu Xuan, we went back to King Fart's bedroom. Eunuch Fu Hai at the door looked nervous, and he didn't dare to say hello to me.It was inconvenient for Chu Xuan to go in, so he was ordered to find me back. Seeing that the atmosphere here was not right, he gave me a comforting look, and then retreated.

I took my steps cautiously, every step was like a landmine, and I didn't dare to pay attention to it.

There were lamps burning in the hall, but not many, and the light was rather dim, very much like the face someone used to put on.I felt increasingly tense, dull, and suffocated.None of the other maids who usually serve the marquis are missing, and I don't know where they all went to be lazy.

I walked quietly, and looked around, "Eh? I didn't see anyone. Could it be that he hasn't come back yet?" I muttered to myself, hehe, it's good if I didn't come back, it scared me to death. "Eunuch Fuhai is too. Why do you have that nervous expression if you have nothing to do? Isn't it nothing to scare people?"

Huh, exhale, relax your neck, your neck was stiff from fright just now, it will still be sore now.

"Do you want me to rub it for you?"

"Okay... ah! Uh... the king... the king... Hey,, I will see the king!" I stammered, but I couldn't express the shock in my heart!Damn, which corner did he get out of?Is it a rat?Still able to hide?

"Hmph! It's so late, where are you going?"

"Going back to the king, my servant chatted with the princess for a while, and then I was ready to come back. I didn't know that I lost my way while walking. Fortunately, the king sent Chu guards to find my servant, so I brought it back." I obediently Tell me, you can be as honest as you say like that.

However, being honest on the surface doesn't mean it's true, the more it is like this, the easier it is for people to believe, and if you lie a little casually, how would he know?Hee hee... I am more and more aware that my ability to lie is really getting better and better, and I am getting more and more slippery when I tell lies, without having to think about it...

"Lost? You are a ghost girl, can't remember this way? Don't lie, tell me the truth."

The Fart King squinted his eyes fiercely, but I wanted to laugh a little.God, he looks like my former teacher. Luo Li is so wordy that he thinks he is smart, and sometimes he can't hold down the students below, so he deliberately looks like this, thinking that squinting his eyes will make people feel uncomfortable. Afraid of him.

"Tch, I'm not afraid."

(End of this chapter)

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