Chapter 160 Getting Slapped by the Fart King 2
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Chapter [-]: Slapped by the Fart King

Ouch!Accidentally said it, and sneaked a sideways glance, and sure enough, the stinky fart king turned black, took a step closer and grabbed my arm, and lifted it tightly, "Aren't you afraid?"

I'm too short, my feet are almost off the ground, and I'm struggling to hold my toes.Looking up at him, I saw the coldness in his eyes, so scary.I looked at him weakly, pretending to be very wronged, pouted my mouth and muttered: "Your Majesty, don't hit me, I just say I'm afraid!"

In order to show my sincerity, I immediately said repeatedly: "I'm so scared, I'm so scared! Let me go, my lord..." He raised his hands as a sign of surrender.

"Tch", Fart King smiled imperceptibly, but immediately returned to his cold look, angry and funny, with a bad tone, and a dead man who didn't look good to anyone. "Ghost spirit, don't think that I will let you go! Are you raising your hand? Do you want to hit me?"

I gasped for breath, "Your Majesty, how dare I hit you, give me a hundred guts and I still dare not! Let me go, you are carrying me like this, I am so tired, take a breath!" I'm so angry." Damn, he's so tall, I'm so tired from carrying him, and I have to keep looking up at him, my neck is so sore, I'm getting weaker and weaker, I'm a little dizzy, the more I lean back, the faster I'm going Lie back.

Suddenly there was no sound.

I opened my slightly closed eyes in surprise, only to find that Fart King was staring at me blankly, and there was an unconcealable lust in those cold eyes.Some blurred temptations, like a glass of ice red wine, poured over my head.

I was startled, and struggled quickly. He felt a little awakened, and his hands loosened. I struggled down immediately, but before I escaped, I was suddenly thrown into his chest with great force. "Ah—" I exclaimed, before I could utter the words, they were blocked by his lips
I was shocked and held on vigorously, but didn't shake him in the slightest.On the contrary, let him tighten the band even more, his arms are very strong and powerful, encircling me around his chest like a golden steel ring, no matter how much I struggle, it will have no effect at all.

This pervert actually eats my tofu!
(End of this chapter)

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