Chapter 161 Getting Slapped by the Fart King 3
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Chapter [-]: Slapped by the Fart King

I suddenly remembered that morning when Ye Qianqian came to look for him, and then I heard the moans, ah, disgusting!
I didn't care about anything when I started to be ruthless, I lifted my foot and stepped on his foot hard, and then rolled it left and right a few times, I will wake you up if it hurts!

"Yeah", the Fart King gave a low cry, and finally let go of me, I jumped away like a rabbit, wiped my mouth vigorously with my hand, then pointed at him and cursed: "You rascal, you actually ate my tofu again! Are you not enough with so many women? You have to find them to vent your anger, lest you rely on me and cause a lot of trouble! It makes people think that I will be your concubine, who cares! Whoever loves should go, Don't keep putting the shit bowl on me!"

"What did you say?"

The Fart King's face changed drastically, and he took a step towards me evilly, pulling my arm like an iron claw.I was startled, I just blurted out some outrageous words about my wife, and I forgot about his emperor in a moment of anger.Seeing that he was slapping me like a scapegoat, I TNND gave it a go, swung my arm vigorously, and broke free, waving my arm to increase my momentum.

"What am I talking about, isn't it just your women, one by one saying that I have entangled you, so that you have no time to visit them! I don't know why you ancients took so many women, and made the harem catch fire. Disaster to the fish in the pond. Take it away and don’t love it well, put it there like watching a show, a group of women are fighting to the death on the stage, but that man has gone somewhere for a long time..."

"Presumptuous!" The Fart King roared, which made me jump, seeing his eyes red for the first time, and staring at me angrily.

"You're getting more and more presumptuous! You, an ignorant little girl, also got the world of mine? Don't think that if I spare you a few times, you can talk nonsense unscrupulously. I want you to know, How do I manage the harem!"

ah?How to manage the harem?Could it be that he immediately pampered me OO?No, I would rather you throw me out of the palace...

"Come on!"

Hulala came in three guards, one of them was Chu Xuan. "exist."

"Pull it out, major 20 boards!"

ah?Hit me?I looked at King Fart in amazement. Is this how he manages the harem?

(End of this chapter)

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