Chapter 162 Getting Slapped by the Fart King 4
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Chapter [-]: Slapped by the Fart King

Chu Xuan was startled, he didn't understand what happened between us, but seeing the face of the fart king, he knew that I had caused a big disaster.

"Your Majesty, 20 boards, I'm afraid the little master can't bear it..." He winked at me vigorously as he said, and I understood what he meant.But if you want me to admit my mistake to the Fart King, what if he violates me again?
But the King of Farts yelled again: "Pull it down, no one is allowed to intercede!"

"Hmph!" I snorted disdainfully, and hit as soon as I hit, who is afraid of whom!Isn't it just 20 large pulleys?The ass is just suffering, it can't kill anyone...

"Yes." Everyone didn't dare to delay any longer, they supported me from left to right and dragged me out.It is false to say that I am not afraid, but I am still very afraid, but I am not willing to beg for mercy.Seeing people setting up stools and taking wrenches, they wheezed and pushed me up. Before I was ready, there was a sound of "pa", and a heavy board had already been hit.

"Ah" I immediately let out a loud cry, it hurts so much...

Venus burst out in front of my eyes, the pain caused my whole body to convulse, and I bit the back of my hand, followed by the second and third. "One, two, three..." Someone next to me was counting, I bit the back of my hand tightly, the pain was so painful that I even forgot to breathe.

"Feifei, hold on..." It was Chu Xuan's voice, which was low, but I heard it. I wanted to laugh, but when I opened my mouth, blood flowed from my mouth... I don't know if it was blood from vomit or from the back of my hand. Blood, anyway, it hurts to death, so painful that I don't even know it hurts...

MD, pervert, where did you die, why didn't you come to save me...

And that young master in black, where did you die, why didn't you come to save me...

King of Farts, I'm with you!You want me to give in, don't you? LZ is not!

"Hahaha..." I laughed three times, with tears and blood on my face, but I started to sing, "The weather is so sunny today, everywhere is beautiful, beautiful..." After singing a few words, it became a painful hum, Gradually, even the humming disappeared...

"Stop, stop quickly!" In a daze, I heard Chu Xuan call out to everyone, turned around and said urgently to the Smelly Fart King who came behind me after hearing the song: "Your Majesty, the little master has passed out..."

The Fart King walked over in a few steps, and seeing that there was blood all over, he couldn't help being furious: "Bastard! Who told you to beat so hard? Pull them all down, and kill them all!"

"Ah? Your Majesty, please spare your life, Your Majesty, please spare your life..." The begging voice was dragged out, and then my body was carefully hugged by someone. The second before I fell into darkness, I cursed in my heart, "MD, King of Farts , It was you who ordered me to hit me, why didn't you pull yourself out and chop me up..."

PS: Let me tell you that Hazi, the big pervert has something to do, and he will be back in a few days, those who like him, don’t worry~~~
(End of this chapter)

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