Chapter 163 The news brought by Xiaobaibai 1
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Chapter 110 The news brought by Xiaobaibai

"Ah? Your Majesty, please spare your life, Your Majesty, please spare your life..." The begging voice was dragged out, and then my body was carefully hugged by someone. The second before I fell into darkness, I cursed in my heart, "MD, King of Farts , It was you who ordered me to hit me, why didn't you pull yourself out and chop me up..."

In a daze, as if I smelled a scent, I opened my eyes all of a sudden, and was about to get up when I moved, suddenly there was a sharp pain in my buttocks, which made me lie down again with an "ouch", and never Not daring to move in the slightest.

Mom, I actually forgot to get hit by the board!
"Feifei, are you awake? That's great, I just asked the chef to make you some health-preserving soup, which can help your wound heal quickly."

I was very moved, Xiao Huai, as a princess, actually did it herself and brought me the soup in person. This sincere friendship alone brought tears to my eyes.It's a pity that I can't move my body, otherwise I must get up and give her a good hug.At this moment, there are thousands of words, stuck in the throat, and only two words for a long time: "Thank you!"

The food plate was placed on the bedside, and I lay down on my stomach and took a sip. I couldn't help but praise: "It smells so good! It's smooth and tender, and it's still very fresh. What did you use to make it?" Without waiting for Xiaobaiba to answer, He picked up the soup bowl and gurgled and drank it all in one go.

"Ahem..." He drank too quickly, choked on it, and even spilled it all over his face.Xiaobaiba laughed, "Haha, look at your monkey-like appearance, and no one is robbing you, why are you in a hurry, drink slowly, there are plenty of them."

I turned my head to look at Xiaobaibai's funny winking, which made Xiaobaibai feel relieved. "It's good that you're fine. I'm still worried that you'd lose your temper and refuse to see anyone! Now that you're talking and laughing, and willing to eat, I'm relieved. But you've been in a coma for three days. You should hear from the imperial doctor." Said that you will definitely wake up today, so I prepared hot soup to see you. Oh, I didn’t think I would really wake up, and my good intentions are not in vain.”

I knew she was worried about my sadness, and she came to bring me soup herself. No matter how sad I was, I couldn't make her worry about me.After thinking about it, he laughed again, and said mischievously: "Princess, don't worry, Feifei has no other skills, but he is used to being beaten and injured. Don't worry, the thirteenth imperial guard, I only practice buttocks." Mile!"

Just think about what happened to Ye Feifei in the minister's mansion. He must have been bullied by the eldest lady since he was a child.Of course, being scolded and beaten is nothing to worry about, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that I am used to it.

Thanks to this frail body, he still survived after 20 strokes!

(End of this chapter)

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