Chapter 164 The news brought by Xiaobaibai 2
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Chapter 110 The news brought by Xiaobaibai

Damn it, when I think of the King of Farts, my teeth itch with hatred!

This violent, evil devil is completely inhuman, and he's totally unreasonable!

Only use violence to deal with me, a weak woman who has no power to fight back!Actually hit me 20 boards!Damn, I remember!I'm going to make a mess of your harem, and then get out of here!
snort!If I don't mess with your size, I won't be called Ye Feifei!wait... heh heh...

"What are you laughing at? You're laughing so viciously and you're gnashing your teeth. Tell me, isn't there something interesting?"

"Hey! Do you have it?" I laughed dryly, but the little boy obviously didn't believe it, so I could only say with a mischievous look: "Baby, I have a very interesting game, but you must help me!"

Xiao Huaihua immediately came over with great interest, "Say it quickly, what game is it?"

I "hehe" smirked, "I can't say it now... No, actually, I haven't thought it through yet. It's a plan. You have to think about every step to make it happen! Don't frown, I will definitely tell you. Your cooperation is needed!"

Little bad boy was already a little unhappy when he heard me say that he couldn't say it, so he felt relieved after hearing my explanation like this.But still full of curiosity, "Let me tell you a little bit, I really want to know, don't keep it secret."

Helpless, I had no choice but to say in a very mysterious way: "The palace is too lonely and quiet, let's add some color to it, what do you think?"

"Of course that's fine!" The little villain beamed with joy, but immediately warned, "You have to make sure that you won't act alone, and you must let me participate."

I immediately made a decision, "Don't worry! I will notify the princess in advance, and then the princess will take charge of the overall situation, and Feifei will be at her disposal." Oh hahaha, I can't wait for Xiaobaibai to help. With her, all my actions will be logical …

The little bad and the bad are happy, as if they have seen the bustling and out-of-control situation in the palace, their eyes are full of brilliance.

Looking at her touching Danfeng eyes, I suddenly thought of a pervert, and couldn't help being very angry!He's not there every time I need help, so why the hell should he marry me?

He also didn't come to see me, "Hmph, I must have gone to another MM again! Dead pervert, stinky pervert, I won't talk to you anymore!"

I'm so pissed off, how did I end up in such a miserable state?Missing cannot be controlled by oneself, pain cannot be taken care of by oneself, results cannot be obtained by oneself, and happiness cannot be given by oneself.I don't have to live!

(End of this chapter)

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