The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 182 Punish Concubine Yan, Kill Two Birds With One Sword 1

Chapter 182 Punish Concubine Yan, kill two birds with one stone 5
Chapter 110 Punish Concubine Yan, kill two birds with one stone


"Ah no!" With a plop, Concubine Yan knelt down forcefully, and the maid hurriedly knelt down too.

I pretended to help her up, "What are you doing, Concubine Yan? Do you want your servant to take you to see the king? That doesn't have to be the case. Well, the servant will lead the way ahead, and the king is probably going to have lunch. , Your Majesty happened to be with the king..."

"How can you let me go?"

I chuckled, "Your Majesty, what are you talking about? The servant girl didn't salute her, yet she asked her to let the servant girl go!"

The maid suddenly begged for mercy: "It's the servant's fault. The servant did not know Mount Tai and bumped into the young master. I beg the young master to spare my mother..." As she spoke, she slapped her ears and slapped her face, her mouth was still vague Authentic: "Slaves deserve to die...Slaves deserve to die..."

I glanced at Concubine Yan, who had already lost her previous arrogance, and my heart suddenly moved, and I leaned closer to her and whispered: "Your Majesty, in fact, I don't want to make things difficult for you. But Concubine Xian, she... well, she is a slave You know my sister. Last time in the Empress Dowager's garden, the empress only cared about protecting Concubine Yu, but she didn't pay attention to her. My sister was very angry."

Glancing at Concubine Yan's eyes suddenly full of hatred, I then said helplessly: "Your servant is only a girl, why would you dare to be an enemy of your mother! But last night my sister pretended to come to see the injury of my servant, and took the opportunity to ask my servant to do so. Yes! Otherwise, how could the maidservant know that the empress is going to pass by here today, and just happened to be waiting here?"

Concubine Yan bit her lower lip fiercely, and said bitterly: "She is a bitch, she thinks Concubine Yu has fallen, so she treats herself as a concubine, hmph, she doesn't think about what she is..." At this point, she suddenly stopped , looked at me in trepidation, as if he was afraid that what he said just now would hurt me and make me unhappy.

I smiled softly and helped her up, "Your Majesty, don't worry about it. This servant has no intention of competing for the position of concubine. Besides, these are all my sister's own thoughts, and this servant is forced to do so! I just advise you, don't offend me in the future. My sister, otherwise, even if the servant wants to let her go, she will punish the servant severely when she goes back to her sister! My sister is protected by an expert, maybe someone is watching at this moment to see if the servant is avenging my sister..."

After finishing speaking, he deliberately looked left and right, looking very guilty and scared.

(End of this chapter)

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