The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 183 Punish Concubine Yan, Kill Two Birds With One Sword 1

Chapter 183 Punish Concubine Yan, kill two birds with one stone 6
Chapter 110 Punish Concubine Yan, kill two birds with one stone


"Hmph! I know how to do it!"

Seeing the way Concubine Yan gritted her teeth, I smiled happily.However, he immediately put on a worried look, "But my lady, I have to tell you one more thing, if my sister really sends someone to monitor my servant, then my lady will do the trick to the end! Otherwise, this servant is worried about what kind of idea my sister will come up with." , let the servants frame the empress..."

"Okay, how do we play it?"

Concubine Yan was really fooled, I pursed my lips and smiled, with a look of sympathy and pity on her face, I deliberately hesitated and said, "Sister, she... she said... said..."

"What? You just say it, I won't blame you!"

I just want your words!Seeing that I had done enough drama, I said angrily: "Sister, she said to let the empress practice kneeling and saluting. If she becomes a noble concubine or empress in the future, the empress will not be so unfamiliar..."

"What? She... She asked me to do this? It's too much!"

"Oh, yes, the maidservant also thinks it's too much! How about this, the empress will bear it for now, kneel down here for a while, and wait for the maidservant to leave, and the maidservant will get up again. At that time, the people who watch the maidservant will definitely come to the maidservant If you go and give orders again, won’t your empress be freed?”

"Hmph! That's all there is to it!" Concubine Yan's face turned green with anger, but she was helpless.

I took the gold medal in her hand and instructed again: "Your Majesty, this gold medal must never be leaked. The king secretly bestowed this gold medal on your slaves, and the king didn't know what happened today. If it is leaked, I am afraid that the empress will follow in the footsteps of the imperial concubine. Fortunately, this time it is the elder sister of the servant girl who wants to avenge the empress, so the servant dares to help the empress like this."

She nodded gratefully, and I smiled slightly to comfort her. Seeing that she was really kneeling there, I expressed deep sympathy and said: "Mother, you have been wronged. I will persuade my sister when I go back, so that she will not This makes embarrassing embarrassment. But empress must pay attention in the future, don't offend her. Sigh..."

After all, he staggered away with Yan'er.

I walked very slowly on purpose just to make her kneel for a while longer.

Oh ha ha ha, so happy!It's so cool, I haven't felt so comfortable in a long time!Alas, if only Ye Qianqian was kneeling there, I would be happier!

I can't bear to let my children catch wolves, I can't bear my daughter-in-law to catch hooligans, I can't bear to update and I can't collect them... (My dear friends, please collect more~~~hee hee!)——
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Chapter 110 Six, Xiziyu and Xiziyue

(End of this chapter)

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