201 Chapter 6 Evil Qianqian Ye [-]
Chapter 120 Evil Ye Qianqian


I was dancing exaggeratedly, and the Fart King raised his eyebrows, "Then order her to make a few, and send them here for me to taste!"

yeah!I made a victory gesture in my heart, but I didn't dare to show too much joy on my face, but I was still very happy and said: "That's good, Feifei has Kefulo! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After returning to the house, I asked Yan'er to inform Ye Qianqian to make some crispy biscuits before lunch and deliver them in person.He also told her not to bring any entourage, lest the fart king would not like it.Then he sat in the room and waited for Chu Xuan.

Sure enough, after about an hour, Chu Xuan came.

I was overjoyed, seeing how happy I was, Chu Xuan took out a paper bag from his bosom, which was full of sweat medicine!I weighed it, about half a catty.

"This is for 10 people, use it carefully. This is the antidote, if you take it first, you will be fine."

"Wow, you're really thoughtful!" I took the antidote that Chu Xuan specially explained, and put it away separately.Great, I was worried that I would be knocked down too, so I won't worry if I have the antidote!
"Chu Xuan, how long is the potency of this medicine?"

"For ordinary people, it takes 5 hours, but for those with profound skills, it can take up to 1 hour."

I nodded, enough is enough.How can it take so much time, half an hour is fine.Oh hahaha~~~ It's fun this time!
Chu Xuan still didn't ask me what I wanted to do, but just asked lightly: "Do you need my help?"

I thought about it, "It depends on the situation. If necessary, I will definitely come to you. You'd better not go anywhere at noon, and stay by the king's side!"

Chu Xuan nodded and went.I was sitting happily in the room, thinking about things to pay attention to, etc., when suddenly a gust of wind came in with a scent, and when I looked up, it was Xiao Huai.

"Feifei, what's the fun lately? I'm suffocated to death. I'm about to suffer internal injuries. Are you healed? Well, let's go out and have some fun!" After finishing speaking, he came over to pull me.

"Pa", the bag of Mongolian sweat medicine was taken by me and fell to the ground.I quickly picked it up, "It's a good thing I didn't sprinkle it, or the plan would have been ruined!" Uh... I had to cover my mouth as soon as I finished speaking, but it was too late!
(End of this chapter)

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