202 Chapter 7 Evil Qianqian Ye [-]
Chapter 120 Evil Ye Qianqian


"What plan? Will I participate?"

Uh... I'm hesitant and don't know how to answer, will this allow her to participate?There is her brother Wang in it!It was originally scheduled to be without her, but unfortunately she broke in unintentionally, and I'm not ready to explain it yet.

The little villain knew what was going on as soon as he saw my face, and he was about to turn his face when he turned his face, "Huh! Well, Feifei, you don't call me when you have activities, and you say you will notify me, you are not enough friends! Hmph, I remember you, I want to break up with you!"

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you everything! However, you must keep it a secret. If you tell it, I will be miserable!"

"Must, definitely, never say it out!" As soon as the little villain heard that I was going to tell her, he immediately changed his face, looked energetic, and was very affectionate to me.I smiled helplessly in my heart, this guy really likes to join in the fun.

After telling Xiaobaiba about my plan, Xiaobaibai was overjoyed and gave a thumbs up, "Feifei, you are awesome! After all these years, you are still the first person who dares to punish my brother!"

I curled my lips, "Who has the time to punish him? It's to avenge Ye Qianqian, okay?"

"But, didn't you help her by doing this?"

I showed a confident and meaningful smile, "Don't worry, whether it's helping or revenge, you'll know in a while!" The little villain was very interested, and I discussed some details that needed to be cooperated with her, and everything was over Finally, the two showed treacherous and smug smiles!

Before noon, Ye Qianqian had already arrived with a food box.One could tell at a glance that she had been specially dressed. She was already very beautiful, and such a special dress made her even more attractive.I have already smelled the fragrance, and I think the taste should be pretty good.The Fart King is being pestered by the little villain, I led Ye Qianqian in, coughed lightly, and the little villain gave me a wink, indicating that everything was settled.

Ye Qianqian knelt down while carrying the food box, "My concubine sees the king."

"Well, get up." The Fart King didn't look good on anyone, and immediately ordered the meal to be served.The Fart King originally refused to let Ye Qianqian sit at the same table, but Xiao Huai and I entangled each other, and finally let Ye Qianqian eat with the Fart King.

Since the protagonists this time are the two of them, Xiao Huai and I became waiters.The Fart King glanced at the two of us and didn't say anything. He just brought me a crispy pancake and said it was a special reward.

(End of this chapter)

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