The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 205 Seeing the Black-clothed Assassin 2 Again

Chapter 205 Seeing the Black-clothed Assassin 2 Again
Chapter 120 Seeing the Black-clothed Assassin Again

Xiaobaibai and I felt that there was something different. We glanced at each other, and we could see the panic in each other's eyes. Won't Fart King wake up so soon?It was less than half an hour.Forget it, follow in and have a look, and pretend to faint if necessary.

Once inside we were blown away!

I saw the pervert fighting with his bare hands and a man in black with a sword. It seemed that the man in black had the upper hand.Seeing the two of us barging in, the pervert said anxiously: "Bao Huai, take Fei Fei out quickly, it's dangerous here."

Just as he was speaking, the man in black's swordsmanship changed suddenly, extremely fast, and he stabbed fiercely at the pervert.Because the pervert was distracted from talking to us, he was forced to clumsy left and right, and finally lost. He was cut with a sword on the shoulder with a "chi" and blood gushed out immediately.

"Big pervert!" I yelled and rushed over, the little villain couldn't hold back any longer, and flew over to help.

"Don't come here!" The pervert saw me jumping over without thinking about my own safety, and became even more flustered.I immediately realized that I didn't have the skills, and I would only drag him down in the past, so I hurriedly said, "Be careful, pervert! I'll call the guards!"

As I said that, I turned around and ran outside, suddenly there was wind behind me, and I was startled when I turned around, "Ah——" The man in black flew towards me with a sword in his hand.The big satyr was in a hurry, "Feifei..." turned around and came behind, who knew that the man in black just made a feint, and stabbed the tip of the sword obliquely towards my sideburns, picking off a few hairs, leaving the big satyr alone He rushed to him, turned back suddenly, and stabbed the Fart King who was lying on the bed behind him.

"No, don't..." I yelled in fright, the little villain found a vase from somewhere, and threw it at the assassin.

With a "bang", the vase forced the assassin to make way, and fell to the ground and shattered.The big satyr took the opportunity to rush over, I saw the opportunity and ran out, shouting as I ran, "There are assassins, catch the assassins!"

The sound of footsteps outside the hall was heard immediately, the big satyr and the little badass entangled the black-clothed assassin, I suddenly felt a little dizzy, when I turned my head to look at them, I found that the little badass suddenly fell to the ground.

Oops!The perspiration medicine has broken out!Although we took half of the antidote, we only had half of it after all.The big satyr thought that the little bad was injured, so he said anxiously: "Baba, bad..."

(End of this chapter)

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